24. Work, trip and love interest

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...If you are planning on leaving me behind and act like you don't know me, I don't care, it's your loss, not mine. I'm sorry I hoped what we've been through meant something to the both of us. I'll keep praying for you to meet Jesus and wish you the best, but don't come back and play with my feelings like I'm your doll if that's what I am to you.

I was reading Twilla's text, the one she sent me from DeeDee's account when she realized I was ignoring her texts.

I had spent the evening watching her covers. Now I was having breakfast in the living room, reading old conversations with her on my phone.
"Good morning Ray", Mo yawned when he walked in the kitchen.
" 'Morning bro", I replied, not taking my eyes off my screen.
"Somebody hasn't slept last night, am I right?"
"Tell me when is the next cover instead."
He joined me on the couch with his coffee.
"She made me swear I wouldn't tell you... But I can tell you what song we're working on."
"Oh yeah?"
"Yeah. It's 679 from Fetty Wap ." he said with a smirk.
I punched him in the shoulder.
"No, seriously, she said she'd play herself, so I can't wait to find out."
"She plays the piano too?"
Is there anything she can't do? Other than let me in?
"Wait, tell me she's coming here."
"She is, tomorrow at 7. Still wanna stay?"
"Where would I go? I'll cook while you guys practice, so it won't be too akward."
"Okay, can't wait for the melodrama to start."
"Shut up."
"That's what she says."
Another punch.

"Hey sweet guy! Long time no see, huh?"
We barely texted when school started (for her), back in August. And now she was calling me, right when Twilla was out.
"What's the call for?"
"Gosh, I can't talk to you anymore?"
"No, it's just that..."
"Work, trip, love interest... mostly love interest."
"I was gonna say we didn't have that much to talk about but it'll do."
"Haha, very funny. But I'm sure you were just too busy flirting with Twilla." Katy laughed.
"Nah, she just called things off."
"And you let her?"
"She must have her reasons."
"You don't sound really convinced."
"That's cuz I'm not planning on telling you the whole story."
"Okay, I get it! But I didn't call to annoy you, you just have to get with her! I don't even know why I called you first, I just can't let you guys tear each other's down like that."
"Yeah! I know how much she likes you and I can tell you care."
"Thanks I guess... Hey, are you doing something today?"
"No, why?"
"I truly missed you, maybe we could hang out or something."
"Sounds cool. I'm craving for some sucre à la crème, can I come to your place?"
"Be here in...an hour?"
"Okay, I'll wait for you."

She came exactly an hour later. I almost didn't recognize her.
"Like the hair?"
She was a natural blonde back in high school and now she had dyed her hair brown with red highlights.
" You look better as a brunette", I admitted.
"That's what I think too. My mom was freaking out, she was like, you'll never find your natural colour again, but people didn't even believe me when I told them it was my natural colour."
We started mixing the ingredients while doing small talk. When the sucre was baking in the oven, Katy pulled out her phone from her purse.
"I gotta show you that one time I almost burned my eyelashes!" she giggled.
Yes, Katy was that crazy.

Mo showed up at that moment, his long hair wet from the shower. He didn't notice Katy right away.
"Oh, hi there."
We all realized at the same time he still hadn't his t-shirt on. Katy smirked.
"Nice abs." she commented, making Mo blush.
I was holding back a laugh, for Mo was a pretty shy guy, especially around girls. Twilla was the only one he felt comfortable around, now that I was thinking about it. Maybe they had a thing?

Mo quickly put his shirt on and Katy went on to explaining me how her sister got herself in a ditch near their house and completely soaked her clothes.
"...And Twilla took her hoodie off to give it to her, like she spent the rest of the evening with goosebumps on her arms, but she was too scared that Karrie catch a cold to care. The girl ruined my party, though, she left at 11 o'clock with half of the people there cuz she was the only one who could drive since she hadn't drunk."
I was absentmindedly eating our desert ever since she had pronounced Twilla's name. Twilla.
"Yo, do you know how she's been doing since the Nadeaus..."
"Oh, DeeDee told me she's okay. She's not really oblivious to the situation, but she eats, so that's a start."
Katy knew just like me that food had a huge spot in Tweetie's life, so if she hadn't lost her appetite, she could get through it.
"Glad to hear that."
"You've never been to see her?"
"Nah, I backed off, that's what she wanted."
"Again, that's not what she needs."
"What do you want me to do, kidnap her? Gosh, the girl wants to breathe, so let it be done."
"Gee, both of you are so stubborn, somebody please tell me where stubborness is getting you guys!"
She cut herself a piece and brought it to her mouth.
"So, you're like the love doctor or something?"
"That's what they call me!" she replied with a grin.
"Go find yourself another patient."
"I can give you a break, but I will come back to this."
I sighed heavily while she shoved me playfully. Mo came back in at that moment.
"You're still here?" he asked rather confused.
"I'm about to leave, if that helps you to have a nice day."
"No, I mean it's not you the problem..."
"What's wrong man?"
"Nothing. Anyways, I'm throwing a party this Friday..."
"Really? Can I come?"
"Sure, but it's more of a geek thing. We won't be a lot. Actually, it's more a gathering than anything else."
It had been a while Mo the nerd hadn't shown up.
"With beer?"
"It's on."
Katy grabbed two other cubes then waved:
"See yah guys!"
I turned to Mo with a skeptical look.
"Somebody has a crush on Katy am I right?"

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