17. Tweetie vs. TNT

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Raja's POV

"We'll wait for you in the living room. I'll make sure DeeDee doesn't spy you." joked Twilla's mom when we got inside their house.
I averted Mr. Nadeau's gaze and climbed the stairs. I found the door Mrs. Nadeau had indicated me and knocked, since it was locked.
"Leave me alone!" Twilla screamed from inside.
"Twilla?" I called her, a bit worried.
Sounded more like a DeeDee reaction than a Tweetie one. Unless I was facing TNT.

I was still thinking about her harsh voice when I heard a click on the door.
"You can come in", she said.
I opened the door. I was surprised to see all the trash on her floor and her unmade bed, since she was such a neat freak. She was wearing a tank top and pyjamas bottom and her neck and hair were wet from her shower.
"You cut your hair?" I mumbled, in case she didn't want to talk to me.
But she answered:
"You would've known if you hadn't blocked me."
Her short curls were soaking wet, but she didn't seem to care.
"Why are you here, dude?"
"I got a phone call and a plane ticket so here I am."
"I'm sorry I made you come."
"Oh no, I couldn't stand Europe anymore."
"Yeah. But enough said about me. How's it going?"
Her voice already cracked. I hugged her tight against my chest. She hugged me back, her fingers gripping my sweater.
"It hurts..." she whined into my chest.
"It's okay, let it out."
"No, I can't, you'll run away."
"I won't. I'm not going anywhere."
She sneezed (in a tissue) and dried her face.
"I was so busy being mad at you Calvin killed himself and I didn't see it coming."
My nose was getting itchy - next thing you know, I'd be crying too.
"What else?"
She lifted her head and looked at me in the eyes.
"I still don't get why you're here, cuz I thought I was condamned to get rejected by everyone around me."
"That's not true, I was an idiot to block you out, I missed you so much..."
"Why then?"
"I'm not sure I should tell you. Go... go ask your dad." I mumbled.
"Daddy? Why?"
"Please, I don't even know if he'll let me see you again..."
"He told you not to talk to me, didn't he?"
I nodded.
"I'm gonna talk to him..." she started, trying to get up, but stopping herself to do so.
"You're okay?"
She slid back to the floor.
"I can't." she whispered.
"Can't what?"
"Get up."
She closed her eyes and laid down on the carpet. I put her head on my legs.
"For how long have you been starving yourself?"
"I... I don't know. But I'm not starving, I did eat lately."
"Kitkats are not considered meals."
"I just feel dizzy, Ray."
"You're beating yourself up, princess, you have to get out of here."
"It's too hard..." she trailed off, crying again.
I made her sit in front of me, her back leaning on my torso. I pecked a kiss on her hair.
"I like it like that." I said.
"You do? My parents hate it."
"Sometimes people have a hard time watching you grow and change."
I ran my thumbs on her flawless skin, erasing the marks tears had left on her face. I then noticed some music was playing on the background.
"I think I know that song", I mumbled, frowning.
"It's Pray, by Kodaline", she confirmed.
"Yeah, I discovered it in London." I hesitated then confessed: "Every time I'd think of you, I would listen to that song."
"Me too. Kept hoping my prayers would pay off."
"They did."
"What do you mean?"
"I'm saved."
Her eyes widened as she fixed her gaze on me.
"As in..."
"Yeah. Born again Christian."
She sighed of relief.
"Thank God, I was scared to put my hopes too up..."
"Don't be. You definitely got a part of the credit."
She smiled. She seemed so happy about the new, I couldn't believe God's timing. Right when she needed a good new.
"Feeling any better already?"
"Yeah, thank you for coming."
"Thank your parents, they paid for the plane ticket."
"Now, will you go eat?"
"Still feeling like I'm gonna faint."
"I'll go get you something, then."
"Thank you Sunshine."
"Stop thanking me, Twilight." I teased her.
"Shut up."
She let me stand up, and I went downstairs. Destinée was gone, but Twilla's parents were still talking in the living room.
"So? Is she okay?" asked her mom.
"Yes, I'll just make her some noodles if that's okay with you."
"Sure is, I'll show you around. Are you sleeping here tonight?" she replied, giving me two packs of   noodles once in the kitchen.
"Haven't thought about it honestly, I forgot to call my brother."
"Well, we have a guest's room if you'd like to stay, Jean got your luggage inside anyway."
"Thanks ma'am."
She went upstairs, leaving me to the food.
"Your phone was ringing in your coat, I'll just leave it on the table for you." said Mr. Nadeau, whom I had completely forgot.
I tossed it in my pocket and started boiling water for the noodles.
"I mean, insisted Twilla's dad, you should really check your voicemail."

Man, the sir was creepy.

I really love it from Raja's eyes, maybe it'll be more than the half XD. Also, I finally figured out a cast, so check it out and comment below :) Finally, I'll release another story soon, so stick with me for more!

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