It's Called Shampoo, Use It

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In one week my life had reverted back to my high school days. Meaning that I went out of my way to avoid house number 1402.  

I refused to drive my dented, white Dodge Shadow anywhere near the place. I hadn't seen or heard from boy wonder. Yeah, that's how I was referring to him. I had decided that he had to be some sort of superhero since he came out looking fine and my car was dented all to hell.  

Elly hated the fact that she had to ride around in a dented car, so I purposefully pushed off fixing it. I figured the diva could use a little reality check. I wasn't quite sure what I was proving, but it was fun pissing her off.  

I was waiting for her in the school parking lot, as close to the front as possible. I wanted everyone to see our amazing car.  

"Sadie, you said you were gonna get the car fixed today," My darling sister stated when she slumped into my car.  

"Oh yeah, they pushed it back again, weird," I shrugged, holding in the smile that wanted to come out.  

"Pick a new place," She growled out.  

"Temper, temper," I teased, "Calm your biscuits, it will get done eventually." 

"God, you are so weird." 

"Elly, weird is a stepping stone towards greatness, so thank you." I smirked. I knew I was weird, and I made sure to step it up when my dear sister was around.  

Elly rolled her eyes, but said nothing. In the past week, torturing her had been the best part of my life. I still hadn't found a job, classes were easier than I had expected, and I was bored as hell. I couldn't even find a place to volunteer. I mostly sat around watching TV, and playing on the computer. Then, to finish off my busy days, I picked up my sister. I was totally living the life of a cool 21 year old girl; not! 

"Took you long enough," Elly griped as I pulled into the driveway. "You drive like a grandma!" 

I climbed out the car and saw a petite blonde girl resting against our front door. She had a ridiculously bright orange sundress with yellow sandals. "Still haven't figured out how to match, I see," I yelled out. 

"Why didn't you call me the second you got back?" She squealed, running up and enveloping me into a bone crushing hug. For a small girl she had a killer grip.  

"I'm sorry Ken," I laughed.  

Kendall Carrington was my best friend from high school. We had only stayed in touch for about six months after I left, neither one of us was very good with emails. She looked exactly as I remembered her, right down to the outrageous colors. She always wore something bright, and hardly ever matched.  

"It's whatever, someone's cousin's brother's best friend told me you were in town. I headed right over," She replied with a serious expression. I really couldn't tell if she was joking, but I hoped she was.  

"Well, I'm glad they were there to bring us back together," I laughed.  

Ken laughed with me, flipping her platinum blonde hair over her shoulder. "We are going out tonight!" She squealed.  

"Yes! Leave now!" Elly yelled from the door.  

"What?" I asked the little eavesdropper. 

"I have a date tonight, and I would prefer you and Barbie not be here." 

"Aw, that was the sweetest thing you have ever said to me!" Ken said, jumping up and down and clapping her hands.  

"It wasn't a compliment," Elly snapped.  

House Number 1402Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora