I Pulled It Out!

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I woke up feeling stiff and confused. My senses felt dull as I tried to gather my bearings without opening my insanely heavy eyelids. Everything about me felt heavy. Whatever I was on was like a stone slab and my body parts were glued to it, at least that's how it felt. 

I could hear people whispering around me, but I couldn't tell who it was coming from. There were two males and one female, but even their voices sound heavy to me. It was as if they were talking in slow motion.  


"Minimal scarring." 

"Very lucky girl." 

The voices, although quiet and distorted to my ears, seemed very relieved. I figured that it must have something to do with me since they were whispering around me. I stopped trying to figure out who was with me and started focusing on my body.  

I started with my toes and slowly moved up the rest of my body. Once I was sure that I could feel all my appendages and that nothing was wrong with them, I tried to open my eyes. On my first attempt it was too bright and fuzzy so I snapped them shut again.  

It took me a few times opening and closing before my eyes finally adjusted. The first thing I saw was Jackson. He looked horrible, handsome of course, but horrible. He had dark bags under his bright blue eyes, his hair looked like he had been trying to pull it out, and his cheeks were red and sunken in. Next to him stood my mother and she didn't look any better. She too had bags under her eyes and the skin on her face looked dry and chapped. Her usually vibrant green eyes were dull and her hair was pulled up into a messy bun. Steve, the pack doctor stood at the end of the bed that I was lying in. His fluffy gray hair was everywhere and he had cuts and bruises on his face and arms that looked almost healed. The three had yet to notice that I had woken up as they whispered amongst themselves.  

I moved my eyes around the room, but found no one else. I slowly let my eyes drift back over to Jackson. I lightly cleared my throat, preparing to talk and gain their attention. Apparently all I had to do was clear my throat because once I did all heads snapped in my direction and all eyes were on me.  

The second I was the center of attention I found myself shy. They all looked at me with so much relief that I didn't know what to say. It wasn't like I could just ask how they were, the situation apparently needed something more than that. Something serious had happened and I wasn't acknowledging it, or I had forgotten about it, which one I wasn't sure. 

I moved my arms and sat my hands down on the bed. I put my weight down on them in an attempt to reposition myself but ended up not moving at all. The moment I put weight on my hands a shock shot up through my arms causing me to whimper in pain and fall back flat. That's when it hit me. 

We went to war with the hunters because my grandfather was their leader and he wanted me. I helped take care of the wounded and then moved into the fight to help those fallen in the field. I helped the first man I saw and almost got attacked myself. Then, then I went to help Ken. Ken was fighting and one of those bastards stabbed her, they stabbed her and I pulled the knife out with my bare hands. That's why my hands hurt, the silver burnt me. I overdosed and fell asleep and now I completely understand why I wasn't wanting to remember.  

I lifted my hands up and stared at them. They didn't look as bad as I thought they should. I figured that they would be deformed, if they were even able to be saved at all. They were practically mush the last time I saw them. The palms of my hands were smooth and pink, with small clumps of healed skin in certain places, like it folded over itself. My fingertips had no prints and they were a shiny pink also.  

I flipped my hands over and only saw a few small healed over spots. That made sense, because I didn't touch the knife with the front of my hands.  

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