Maybe It's Karma

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As I got ready for my date, Ken's words kept running through my head. It was like a horrible song that I couldn't stop singing. I couldn't even tell her no when she said it. Something about her words sounded so right.  

Jackson was handsome and apparently sweet. He also had a feisty side, which I was lucky enough to see after I hit him with my car. It wouldn't be too bad to fall in love with him, but that's just crazy. I couldn't even understand why I was thinking about it.  

I looked over myself in the mirror, after changing repeatedly for over an hour, I had finally settled on light blue capris, a white tank top, and a white lacy over shirt. I pulled my hair up into a pony tail and applied some make-up. I actually had to that last part twice because I ended up looking like a clown the first time.  

I was about to leave my room when I heard the front door slam, and then a loud scream followed it. Elly was home.  

I didn't have to pick her up from school because she had some sort of practice. I'm not sure what it was, I don't think I really cared either. I had been on edge waiting for her to get home, constantly checking to see if any passing car was her. 

"I swear on everything you love Saddie, I will kill you if you don't take this down!" Elly screamed from down stairs.  

I stood huddled by my door, cracked open just a tiny bit, and laughed until I cried.  

I sucked in a deep breath to calm myself, then replied, "What's wrong?" 

"You know damn well what's wrong!" She continued yelling.  

After a few more moments of laughter, I composed myself and left my room.  

I came to the top of the steps and looked down on my sister. She had her hands on her hips and her face was as red as her cheerleading uniform. Cheerleading! That's what she was doing. Don't you have to be cheery to be a cheerleader?  

She looked so innocent in her little red outfit, with a blue ribbon holding her hair up. If I had never met her before I would have thought she was a sweet girl. Man, those uniforms are misleading.  

"Elly honey, why are you yelling?" I asked with fake concern. "What's wrong dear?" 

"Oh don't act like you don't know!" 

"Please, I have no idea, just tell me." I smiled down at my sister as I slowly descended the stairs. I wanted that moment to last as long as possible. I wanted to enjoy every single second of it, and drag it out until it was impossible to continue.  

Elly tapped her foot loudly and waited, with her hands still on her hips, until I made it to the ground level.  

"Why would you put that hideous picture up?" Ellly squealed, flailing her hands in the direction of my masterpiece.  

I gave her a confused look and turned my head to look at the picture. It took every ounce of strength I had not to break down and laugh.  

"Why Elly, it looks as though you stole someone's remote," I turned back to her, my face the picture of concern. "Maybe it's karma." 

"You're such a bitch!" She yelled.  

"Hey now, no need for that language." I scolded.  

"Take it down," she demanded.  

"I'm sorry, but your request has been denied," I replied sadly, "please get back to me in seven to ten business days."  

Elly stared at me like I had grown four heads and a beard. "You have got to be kidding me!" 

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