I Swear I'll Be Here Waiting

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 "Jackson, we can't ask that of them," Mark sighed. 

"We'll do it," Trent interrupted. "I want them gone too." 

Jackson nodded his head stiffly, "When do we leave?" 

"Tonight, if possible," Brinley answered.  

I felt all the air in my body leave and my chest tightened. "Why tonight?" I managed to choke out. I couldn't understand it. Why did they need to leave so quickly? I obviously wouldn't be able to go and I understood that, but why couldn't they give me a few more days with Jackson?  

"The longer we stay on our territory the easier it will be for the hunters to get to us," Brinley said, looking over at me apologetically. "We should probably leave soon too, like as soon as possible." 

I immediately jumped out of my chair, "Seriously?" I asked incredulously. No, she had to be kidding. I stared straight into her eyes, trying to project my distaste in her words and change her mind, I knew when she looked away that nothing would change, so I sighed and sat back down.  

Mark cleared his throat and brought the attention to himself, "I can spare fifteen men total, including Paul and Jackson." 

"Thank you Alpha," Trent sighed. I could hear the relief clear in his voice and see it on his face.  

I knew then that I couldn't throw a fit, I had to be strong and let Jackson go. I mean, he would come back. Well, I hoped he would come back. I didn't think that I would have to worry about him leaving me for someone else, because we were mates and we were both still alive. But, I couldn't help but wonder if distance had an effect on the bond. 

Either way I had to suck it up. His family needed him, a whole pack needed him. I wouldn't be the downfall of a whole pack. 

Paul pushed himself off the counter that he was leaning on and gave Mark a stiff pat on the back, "I guess I'll go pack," he laughed and then to Jackson he said, "You should too, we leave within the hour." 

Jackson gave his dad a small nod and then reached over and grabbed my hand, pulling me off the chair. I kept my eyes trained on my feet as Jackson pulled me out of the kitchen and up to his room. I didn't want to look at anyone because I was fighting to stay in control of my mouth and emotions. 

When we closed his bedroom door behind us, I finally felt like I could breathe. Jackson let go of my hand and walked over to his large black dresser while I went to sit on his bed. I had been in his room before, but I always got giddy when I walked in. Fun things had happened there and images of past events always clouded my mind. It seemed to be worse since I knew that I wouldn't be back in his room, on his bed for a while.  

As I sat down on his full sized bed, I pulled his black comforter up from the bottom and covered myself up. I felt like I was going to lose it at any second and my body was shaking all over. The oversized comforter only offered me a little security as I watched my boyfriend pack a small brown backpack.  

The more I watched him, the more I wanted to throw up. My stomach was whirling around and I kept having to swallow hard and remind myself that I would not make it any harder on him. I knew that if I threw up and cried he would feel horrible and I didn't want him to.  

"Sadie I'm sorry," Jackson sighed. He had finished packing the small bag and sat it down next to the door.  

"I understand, it's ok, you have to help your family," I replied, forcing a tight smile to my face. I didn't understand, it wasn't ok, and I was pretty sure that I hated his sister.  

"I swear I'll come back as fast as I can, it can't take too long," He said urgently. I didn't know who he was trying to convince; himself or me? 

"I don't care how long it takes," I replied. I tossed the blanket off my legs and stood up. "I just care that you come back." 

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