I'm Too Drunk For This

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"What do you want?" I asked after an uncomfortable five minutes of silence. I felt like they had turned down the music in the club just so that I could notice the silence at my table.

"It occurred to me, after you rudely ran into me and left my house, that I was an ass." Jackson said, turning his body so that he was facing me.  

"Oh, and it took you this long to talk to me?" I asked, it had been like a week. A week was long enough for my anger to bubble over. I barely knew the kid and I was ready to smack him.  

"Well, I'm sorry for being a jerk, and I'm sorry for taking so long." He smiled big and almost made me choke on my own spit. He really had a pretty smile, but I am not that easy. Most of the time.  

"Yeah, well I'm not interested anymore." 

"You're seriously not going to forgive me?"  

"You know, I'll think about it." I smiled sweetly. "How about you hold your breath until I've made my decision." 

"My goodness Sadie, be nice!" Ken shrieked from across the table. She seriously looked as though I had just insulted the President or something.  

"Would you accept my apology if I said I went to the doctor?" Jackson asked, completely ignoring Ken. 

"It depends, did you actually get checked?" I asked.  

"Well, no." He sighed, looking away from me. 

"Well then no, that might have worked if you had actually gone," I spat out, then for good measure I added, "Moron." 

"You look so nice, then you speak," Jackson said nicely. His words reminded me of how I described my sister.  

"I am nice!" I shrieked, "but you were a butt-face to me, so now I don't wanna be nice." I may have been pouting at that point. I hated being mean, but it kind of came naturally, I mean look at my sister. It runs in our family.  

"A nice person would have forgiven me and let me start over." 

I looked over at Jackson and sighed. I didn't enjoy doing mean things to pretty boys, but oh well. "Shoo," I said rudely, motioning my hands for him to leave.  

"You're impossible!" He shouted at me.  

I said nothing, but made the same sweeping motion with my hands. If this boy thought he could be an ass to me and then just apologize and everything would be fine, he had another thing coming. If he really wanted me to forgive him, he was going to have to jump through a few hoops.  

"Whatever," he huffed. "Have a nice night," he said only to Ken. 

"Um, thanks," she smiled unsurely.  

"Um, thanks," I mimicked in a high girly voice.  

"You're rude," she pouted.  

I just shrugged my shoulders and downed my shots. This was going to be a drunken good night for me. 

Two hours, 3 beers, and four more shots later, I was out on the dance floor. The music was bumping so hard I could feel it inside my body, or I was so drunk that I felt like I could feel it inside me. It was probably the second one.  

There were bodies all around me; elbows jabbed into me, arms rubbed my own, and the horrible smell of sweat filled the air. Ken and I were shaking our asses like we would die if we stopped. For all I knew, the sweat smell was coming from us.  

I could feel my hair sticking to the back of my neck, every time my head moved I could feel the sweat along my forehead, but it didn't matter. In my alcohol induced dance video, I was hot, and sweating only made it better.  

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