Vodka Induced Nightmare

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I trailed behind Ken as she pulled me into the house. My body was on high alert, it was extremely hard to fight the urge to run. My body was humming with fear, screaming at me to get out and never look back.  

"Sadie, it's not as bad as you think," Ken whispered to me.  

We had only made it into the kitchen before my legs wouldn't let me move forward. I was terrified and rightly so. I just watched three wolves turn into boys, two of which I had spoken to like normal people.  

"Oh honey!" An older woman said, running towards me. I immediately moved behind Ken, feeling like the biggest sissy in world. Never in my life would I had ever thought that I would hide behind Ken. It just wasn't right, but I couldn't help my reaction.  

"Sorry April, the boys freaked her out, I don't think she is herself at the moment," Ken answered when the woman stopped moving and looked hurt.  

She didn't look threatening, she actually looked sweet and loving. She had long naturally curly blonde hair that reached almost to her waist. She was the same height as me, with the same small body as Ken. Her light brown eyes shone brightly, giving off a soothing feeling. She was anything but scary.  

"Oh, well that's what happens when they are allowed to plan such delicate things on their own," April said, shaking her head slightly. "I'm April, Jackson's mother." 

I gave a small wave of acknowledgement around Ken. I knew, without a doubt, that she wasn't a threat but I was too uncomfortable to speak. Jackson was one of them and that meant that she was too. How could she not be?  

"Well, you better take her in there and get this over with," April sighed, motioning to the living room.  

Ken put her hand back in mine and pulled me into the room. My body tensed up to run the second we walked in and Ken noticed because she instantly crushed my hand in hers. When the hell did she become so strong? 

"Sadie," Jackson said softly, pulling my accusing eyes away from Ken.  

I finally took in the whole room. Paul, Mark, Dean, Jackson, and Ethan all stood on one side of the room making it look tiny. The couches were full of boys too, I only recognized the one that I had seen outside. Most of them were shirtless and extremely good looking, usually I would have taken my time to enjoy every single six pack in the room, but I was too freaked out to enjoy the view.  

"Would you like to sit?" Paul asked, smacking one of the boys on the couch that was closest to him in the back of the head.  

The boy jumped up quickly, "You can have my seat," he said, rubbing the spot where Paul's hand connected 

I shook my head side to side rapidly. I did not want to go any further into that room and be surrounded by those creatures that I must have made up. Nope, I wanted to stay rooted in my spot, decently close to an exit.  

"How sweet Andy, of course she will take it," Ken said dragging me into the room and over to the couch. I would be having a serious talk with that girl about her mysterious strength.  

She pushed me down into the open spot and then walked across the room to lean against the wall next to the one boy I didn't know from the scene earlier. He stood a head taller than her and had to lean down to place a small kiss on her cheek.  

My mouth hung open as my brain finally caught up with what my eyes had been trying to show me the whole time, "You too?" I whispered. My whole world had officially crashed around me. My best friend lied to me, she was one of them and she kept it from me. We didn't keep things from each other!  

"Sadie, it's not as bad as you think, I couldn't tell you," She pleaded. "There are rules and I wasn't allowed to break them!" 

I gave her my best stink eye and then looked down at my hands while shaking my head. I couldn't believe anything that was happening. I had to be dreaming. I must have gotten drunk and this is my Vodka induced nightmare. Yup, that was it.  

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