He's Naked!

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Alright, so the little block party didn't really go like I had wanted it to. I wanted to out my sister for the brat that she was, and towards the end of the night I decided I wanted a kiss. I didn't get either.  

My sister kept her composure all night, and Jackson was pulled away. I went home that night disappointed for many reasons. 

Then, to make matters worse, Dean had to go out of town and couldn't get my sister to and from school for a week, so that meant I had to.  

To bring my spirits up I decided to piss my sister off even more. I didn't think she had learned her lesson yet. Actually, I knew she hadn't because my remote was still missing. The second I got that back, all the jokes would end.  

I got a little envelope full of coupons in the mail. One advertised the sale of all fall items at a craft store, one of those items was pine cones, and that's all I needed to get my evil brain ticking with ideas.  

The second I made it back from the best sale I had ever gone to, I ran straight into my sister's room. I pulled back the lavender comforter that covered her full sized bed and began to scatter around the pine cones that I had purchased earlier that day.  

After I had them all strategically placed, I wrapped half of her mattress with plastic wrap. I had to actually wrap around the whole bed because lifting the mattress while wrapping became very difficult.  

By the time I was done, I had sweat dripping off my face, down my back, and in other places that I would rather not mention.  

The sound of someone pounding on my front door made me jump and yelp. Even though I knew I was eventually going to get caught and I wanted to get caught, I just wasn't ready yet.  

I wrote a quick note that read; Return the Remote! I squished it down at the bottom of the bed, with the pine cones.  

Before I left, I made sure that the pine cones poked through the wrap, and then made the bed back up. Since it was slightly lumpy, I added an extra blanket at the bottom. It didn't really hide the lumps but it made me feel better. 

Another round of loud knocks had me running down the stairs, more sweat accumulated on the back of my neck and forehead. Teaching someone a lesson is hard work! 

I pulled my front door open quickly revealing Jackson. He had a brown shopping bag in his hand, a blanket draped over his arm, and a concerned look on his face.  

"Hey?" I questioned. "What's up?" 

"Are you ok?" he rushed out, his eyes darting around the little bits of my house that he could see.  

I turned around and looked into my house for anything that would make him think that I wasn't fine. "Um, yeah, why?" I said, turning back to him.  

"Sweat," he rushed out, "You're sweating." 

"Well it's hot," I lied. 

"How so? Your house is air conditioned?"  

"I was working out." I flipped my hand in the air, trying to make it seem like no big deal.  

"In jeans and a t-shirt?"  

I looked down at myself and sure enough, I was in my nice jeans and a blue fitted t-shirt. Well that sucked.  

"Yeah, it's how I work out." 

"Liar," Jackson said with a half-smile. "Anyways, I am here to take you on a lunch date." He held up the plastic bag and blanket.  

"A picnic?" I guessed.  

"Yup," he smiled proudly.  

I turned and looked back up the stairs towards my sister's room. I wanted nothing more but to run back up there and go over my work again to make sure that it was perfect, but I didn't want to explain that to Jackson.  

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