Just Put It In My Mouth

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I woke up with a pounding headache, like the Hulk was punching me repeatedly. Holy hell I drank too much.  

The very next thing I noticed was that I could hear voices coming from downstairs, it was almost as if they were in my room with me because they were yelling. I could tell one was my darling sister, and the others were male.  

With my eyes shut tightly, I took a deep breath, threw my covers off of me, and sat up. I dangled my legs over the edge of the bed, taking many deep breaths to calm my head and stomach. After a few minutes I felt safe and opened my eyes. Everything was dull, slightly blurry, and way too bright.  

I looked around my room for a few minutes before I gained the courage to climb out of bed. I looked down at myself and noticed that I was in a pair of Capri sweat pants and a blue tank top, and I didn't know how I had got them on. 

I only allowed myself to be concerned with my outfit change for a second, then I grabbed a hair tie and quickly pulled my hair up. I couldn't handle it touching me. I slowly left my room and made my way down the stairs. I needed a lot of water and any sort of pain reliever I could find.  

"You have got to be kidding me!" My sister yelled as I walked into the kitchen. She wasn't yelling at me though, there were two other bodies in my kitchen, neither of which was clear enough for me to make out. Both were just fuzzy blobs in my cloudy vision.  

"Everyone shut up!" I half yelled, covering my ears. I couldn't handle all the noise, even my own yelling caused pain to spread throughout my head.  

I walked over to the sink and turned on the cold water. Then I bent over and laid my head down, half on the counter, half in the sink. I grabbed the spray nozzle and brought it to my mouth, then I turned it on and shot large amounts of water into my mouth.  

Best Idea I have ever had.  

"I need Tylenol," I gurgled through the water. I didn't stop to see if anyone would help me, I just kept shooting water in my mouth. It was the best water I had ever tasted.  

My eyes were still cloudy, so I didn't really see who was standing front of me. "Here," the cloudy body blob said.  

Ah, it was Jackson. What the hell was he doing at my house?  

"Just put it in my mouth," I gurgled through the water. I pulled the water back and opened my mouth wide.  

"Um, ok?" He said, and then I felt three small pills plop into my mouth.  

I brought the water back up and drank for a little while longer. Everyone around me stayed silent while I indulged in the holy water. I swear, that water was touched by Jesus.  

When I felt like I couldn't hold any more in my stomach, I put the sprayer back. I then rinsed my face a few times under the faucet and rubbed my eyes vigorously, so that I could actually see.  

I finally stood up and turned around. My sister, her boyfriend Dean, and Jackson all stood there staring at me like I was crazy. 

"What?" I snapped. I was too hungover for any bullshit.  

"How do you know him?" Elly spat out, pointing at Jackson. She acts like my mother, but meaner.  

"I ran him over with my car," I shrugged pushing past her and heading towards the fridge. I needed food, and a lot of it.  

I dug through the fridge until I came out with slices of roast beef and cheese. I then walked over the cupboard, pushed Dean out of my way, and grabbed some crackers. Even through my hangover daze, I could still tell that the boy needed a damn shower.  

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