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I was still standing in the front yard, staring at Ethan like he had two heads. I couldn't believe that Clair was his girlfriend, I was so rude to her. How would I ever face her again after that? I knew I had to, I had to apologize for being such a butt-face. Still, the thought of facing her after how I acted made me shudder. My first impression on my boyfriend's best friend's girlfriend was not my finest moment.  

I heaved out a sigh, "Wow, I guess I got a few apologies to get out." I lowered myself down onto the ground and rested my chin on my knees.  

"Sadie, it's really not that big of a deal. You didn't know," Ethan replied calmly. He brought himself down to my level by sitting on the porch, I winced slightly when I thought about what had sat there before him. Was I ever going to be able to get over that? 

"It is a big deal, I acted stupid." I said shaking my head. "I just don't understand why I am getting so mad. I was never like this until I moved here." 

"Really?" He sat up a little straighter and gave me a weird look.  

"Yeah, my boyfriend back at college cheated on me and I actually caught him in the act, on top of my friend. I didn't even get that mad, I just broke up with him and left." I laughed at little at the memory of that night. "I even gave him the condom that was supposed to be for us." 

"You're kidding?" Ethan laughed out.  

"Nope, told him we were over, tossed him the condom, and told them to have a good time. I was fine by the next day." 

"You're a strange girl Sadie," He continued to laugh while he shook his head.  

"My strangeness isn't the point of that story," I said, regaining his attention. "The point is, why was I able to handle that situation with my dignity intact, yet I acted like an idiot with Jackson?" 

Ethan shrugged, "Maybe you like him more than that douche you dated before." 

"I suppose, but it's not just that. This town is messing with my head and throwing my emotions out of whack. I get so pissed so easily, especially with Elly." 

"Huh," Ethan seemed to be thinking about something, and I wanted to ask what that was, but at the same time I didn't even want to know. "I could talk to her if you want." 

I snorted and rolled my eyes, "I don't think that would work." These people all thought that Elly was reasonable, she was far from it.  

Right then, the front door opened, pouring light out onto us. I hadn't even realized that it was getting dark until then. Sure enough, after taking a moment to look around, I saw all our street lights coming on.  

I looked back to the door and saw Elly with a large smile on her face. "Sadie, would it be alright if I go out with Dean tonight?"  

"Oh god Elly, I don't care." I sighed. I didn't even mess with her, I was so sick of her little act and didn't want to play along anymore.  

"Good," she said, smiling even bigger. "Cause there he is." She pointed to a small red car that just pulled up to our curb. "Bye!" 

"Bye," I mumbled. "Ethan, can you just tell Jackson that I'm going to call him tomorrow, I think I just need some time to myself." 

"Sure." Ethan gave me a small smile and stood up, brushing off his pants. "Can I tell him to calm down?" 

I pushed myself off the ground and laughed, "Yeah, everything is fine."  

"Alright, well I'm sure I'll see you later, and don't worry about Clair, she isn't even mad." Ethan gave me a tight side hug, which surprisingly didn't feel awkward.  

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