Embrace The Magic

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When I first moved back home I was sure that it would be great. I was sure that my sister and I would make some sort of connection and possibly becomes friends. I figured that I would end up staying and make a new life with my old one. That was one month ago.  

I really didn't get any of that. My sister, if she was really my sister, hated my guts. That pretty new life that I thought I could make was quickly destroyed by a wolf, well a whole group of wolves. Yeah, I guess I finally started to believe what they had told me. Well, I actually just accepted the fact that I was losing my mind and got over it.  

They didn't really give me a choice though. See, I had spent that whole first night sleeping on my couch while clutching my dad's baseball bat. I was certain that they would break down the doors and come in after me. Of course they didn't, but they did hang out around the house.  

During the day, there was always one boy at each of my doors, and at least five wolves hanging out in the tree line. At night, there was just wolves everywhere. One at my front door, one at my back door, and more than a few walking around my house and in the trees. I was practically forced to accept their story as truth. How could I deny it with them parading around my house like that?  

It had been three days since I had locked myself inside. Jackson came the first night and said that he wouldn't force me out but that he wouldn't leave me unprotected. I listened to him speak through the closed front door, but I never responded. I was still too freaked out. I was still sure that I was just having a really bad alcoholic nightmare.  

Turned out that I wasn't though, because that night I did get drunk from some old Vodka my mom had stashed. I didn't dream about wolves, nor did I wake up from the crazy dream I thought I was in. Nope, I dreamt about fighting Paris Hilton with a samurai sword while riding a unicorn. I woke up with a pounding headache and the sad realization that I had to accept the wolf story.  

I guess you can say that I had accepted it, but that I refused to acknowledge it. I wasn't sure that I wanted to be a part of that world. It was obviously filled with secrets and lies. I couldn't get past the hurt of what Ken and Jackson did, it may not seem huge, but I felt like it was only a big show. It felt like my whole life was built up around me to hide me from the truth. It was a horrible feeling and I couldn't stop swimming in my own pool of pity and misery. 

The worst part was Jackson. I wanted to see and talk to him and hold his hand so bad, but the rational side of me kept shutting those feelings down. My heart said to go to him while my head said to stay away. It was driving me to the brink of insanity. I had never had such strong feelings for someone I had just met. I had never been so sure, yet so confused about someone in my life. So, I decided to stay locked up in my house until I could form a solid choice. It was either run away and never come back, never see him or my best friend again, or walk out and grasp at this fantasy life that was being offered up to me. It was the word fantasy that always snagged in my mind.  

A loud knock on my bedroom door had me jumping out of my thoughts and into a corner. Someone was in the house, the house which I had locked up, and that terrified me.  

"Oh Sadie calm down," Ken's voice came from the other side of my closed and locked bedroom door. "It sounds like your heart is about to explode, take some deep breaths!" 

"How did you get in?" I yelled. I stayed glued to my spot in the corner of the room, tightening my grip on the bat. Yeah, that same bat that destroyed my car.  

"I have a key, a key that you gave me!" She yelled in frustration. "Just come sit by the door so we can talk, I won't even try to come in there with you, but we need to talk." 

I took several deep breaths, each one slowing my heart beat down, until I could feel myself returning to normal. I walked over to the door and sat down. As angry as I was with her, she was still my best friend.  

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