Well, Shit

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Waking up on my living room floor, completely naked, with no blanket was not pleasant. The rough fabric of our thin carpet brushed against my back in a very unforgiving manner. I made a move to roll my body off of it, but immediately stopped when pain erupted from . . . well . . . everywhere.  

Every single muscle in my body was on fire. I guess that's what I get for having insane animal sex on the floor. Not exactly my best idea, but at the same time, the best idea I ever had.  

A small, deep sigh to my left caught my attention. I rolled my head to the side and came face to face with the most beautiful man alive, Jackson.  

It was like seeing him for the first time, I began noticing things that I never had. His dark brown hair was sticking up all over the place and his face looked so relaxed and content. I allowed my eyes to really drink in his features. I finally noticed his perfectly square jaw, the way his face seemed clear of any imperfection, and how plump yet masculine his lips were.  

Everything about him was amazing. I couldn't believe that I hadn't noticed any of this before. I had always known that he was handsome, sexy even, but it was like someone had taken a highlighter and lit up all the places I had passed over. I felt like my vision had been cloudy my whole life and was finally clear.  

My moment of serenity was soon squashed my reality. I had just slept with Jackson, a guy I hadn't even know for a whole month. I had prided myself on not being easy, and then I practically ordered him to have sex with me.  

What if everything he had done was just a ploy to get into my pants? Had I just let my guard down only to be smashed by his rejection? 

He let out another sigh and his breath fanned over my face, caressing every inch of it. A shiver ran through my body causing goose bumps to erupt all over my flesh. I knew right then that I was in trouble. My body had never reacted that way for anyone, but it was for him. Was it possible that I was falling in love with someone that I had just met?  

I turned my face towards the ceiling and blew out a long breath while running my hands through my tangled hair. It was too much for me to handle, a reality punch directly into my gut. I didn't feel like I had made a mistake, but my rational side was screaming mean things at me.  

Way-to-go Sadie, gave it up pretty easy.  

Awesome way to act like a slut. 

Sure hope you got thick skin, cause that boy is gonna run so fast.  

Shut up inner me, I scolded myself.  

"What are you thinking?" Jackson's deep, sleep filled voice sounded from beside me.  

I turned my head to the side and quietly answered, "Nothing." 

"Lie," he replied quickly.  

My heart beat picked up to a very rapid pace and my breathing felt constricted. The whole weight of my actions crashed down onto me, and I began to panic.  

I stood up quickly and snatched my sweat pants off the floor. I stumbled around the room, trying to cover myself while wildly searching for my top. I needed to cover myself up, I felt too exposed, too vulnerable. If this was seriously only a one-time thing, I knew I could handle his rejection better if I was clothed. At least that's was what I was telling myself.  

"Sadie are you ok?" He asked.  

"Hmm? Oh yeah, super fine," I mumbled, refusing to turn around and face him. I wasn't ready yet, I just needed my shirt, I refused to be the girl who got dumped while she was practically naked.  

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