Put Some Damn Clothes On!

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I stared out my bedroom window that over looked the backyard, which was covered with people and wolves.  

It happed shortly after Ken had left the night before. She had tried to coax me out, but I still felt like I needed more time. I was just trying to cope with everything and I thought a little more alone time would help with that. Apparently they didn't agree.  

Jackson had texted me and told me that if I didn't come out within the hour he would camp out in my yard. I laughed at it, thinking that he was full of crap, but he wasn't.  

I could see Jackson's wolf the best. He laid at the front on the yard, right under my window. Next to him was his best friend Ethan, the next in line for Alpha; he wasn't in wolf form. There were at least 15 other wolves in the yard, accompanied by ten in human form.  

I sat on the small bench that was next to my window and continued to stare. I was conflicted. I wanted to go to Jackson and apologize, but at the same time, I couldn't bring myself to leave the house. I felt safe in the house, and I felt awesome with my sister being locked out as well as everyone else.  

I wasn't sure if I even liked her anymore. When did she become so hateful? Even though I wasn't her full-blooded, shifter sister, I was still her sister. She acted like I was scum on the bottom of her shoe. I just couldn't get over it.  

I let out a long sigh and rested my forehead against the window, staring right at the gray wolf that was Jackson. As if he could feel me staring, his head popped up and we immediately made eye contact. Even as a wolf, looking into his big, bright yellow eyes, I could see pain. I was hurting him.  

"Ugh! This is too complicated!" I yelled, hitting my head against the window.  

Jackson jumped to his feet and shifted. Right there, in front of my eyes, stood a very naked and very sexy Jackson. 

I must have stared at his perfect body for about a minute before it hit me. There were other girls out there, and that was my body to look at, and mine only.  

"Put some damn clothes on!" I yelled, pounding my fist against the window.  

My yelling had caused quite of few of the others to wake up as well. Some were smiling; Jackson and Ethan, while others just stared. I bet they thought I wasn't worth all of what they were doing.  

Jackson moved away from my line a sight. I stayed glued to the window until he came back. He had on a pair of black sweatpants and no shirt. Well, that wasn't satisfactory.  

I pulled out my phone and quickly sent him a text: 

Sadie: Put a damn shirt on. There are other girls out there!  

Jackson: Let me in 

Of course he wanted in. That was what they had been trying to do this whole time. I shook my head to myself and replied quickly.  

Sadie: No 

When he didn't respond right away I looked away from my phone and back out the window. That dirty little bastard was pulling his damn sweats down! 

I smacked the window and yelled "No!" 

He stopped moving his pants, which were sitting at the bottom of his extremely toned stomach. If he had moved them one more inch, those girls would see everything he had to offer.  

He said something to Shawn, who was holding onto Jackson's phone. Moments later my phone buzzed. 

Jackson: Let me in 

I looked back outside and shook my head. He responded with a shrug of his shoulders and began to push his pants down farther. I was beginning to see red. I couldn't understand why I was so angry, but I couldn't fight it. If any one of those girls so much as smirked in his direction, I was going to go Hulk on their asses.  

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