Holy Hell

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I woke up in pure heaven. The soreness that once again took over my body was a welcomed reminder of the night before. I rolled over with my arm out, ready to pull Jackson into me, but came up empty. I sat up and stretched then looked around, yup he was gone. I climbed out of bed and slowly dressed myself in a pair of jean shorts and a black tank top. Not feeling like doing anything special with myself, I just threw my long hair up into a pony tail.  

I had my door open, about to leave my room when I stopped at the loud voices coming from downstairs, one of them belonging to my mother.  

"She can just leave!" My sister yelled, no doubt talking about me.  

"She is not leaving, she is with Jackson now and if she left that would kill him. Besides, I don't want her to leave." My mother countered.  

"She doesn't even belong here! She was a huge mistake on your part and now we have to live with her! It's disgusting and I won't stay in this house if she is going to be here!" I envisioned my sister stomping her foot and jutting out her lower lip like the spoiled rotten brat that she is. 

"Then you can go stay with your father until you come to your senses." 

"You're picking her over me?" My sister squealed. Right then I started to make my way out of my room. I slowly and quietly tip toed down the stairs.  

"No, I'm saying that you are newly changed and you don't know what you're saying and as soon as you complete the changing process you won't be as mad and we can talk again." My mom spoke so calmly, like nothing happening around her was a big deal. That was what I loved about my mom the most. There was never anything that would set her off, she was always so level headed. She hardly ever yelled at us as kids, and I can't remember a time that she had even grounded us.  

"This is stupid! My sister yelled.  

I stepped into the kitchen at that moment and Elly's head snapped in my direction so quick that I thought her neck might break.  

"Uh, hey guys," I waved, not knowing what else to do.  

Elly let out an angry scream and then shifted. It was like her human body just exploded and she was left as a medium sized light brown wolf. She didn't shift like the boys had the night they told me about themselves, hers was quicker, there was no haze around her and I couldn't hear her bones popping. It was just one second my red faced pissed off sister, then BAM a wolf. It was actually really cool. 

Her bright yellow eyes stared at me full of hatred. My mother carefully walked around her and opened the door. Elly shot out quickly.  

"Mom, it's daylight, someone might see her." I said shocked.  

"Honey, this whole town is full of shifters, relax." My mother smiled. "By the way, I sent Jackson out for some food, he should be back soon." 

I smiled and nodded, then walked over to the kitchen table and sat down, staring at my mother who was acting like she hadn't withheld pertinent information from me my whole life. She looked the same as she did the day I showed up. Soft brown hair, slightly curled, reaching mid back. Her beautiful green eyes made more vibrant by her perfect pale skin. She didn't look a day over thirty and her slim, tall figure made her look more like a model than a mother.  

"Has this town always been full of shifters?" I asked. It was starting to seem like everything that I had once known was a lie. I wouldn't be surprised if they ended up telling me that my name wasn't actually Sadie.  

"No, actually the pack lived a few towns over. I didn't want them to chance running into you and you finding out about them if it wasn't necessary. Although there has always been a wolf family in Jackson's house. Except for that crazy cat lady, she was already there when we first moved here." My mother answered casually.  

House Number 1402Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora