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     My eyes fluttered open as I say up in an unfamiliar bed in an unfamiliar place. I could barely make out the setting, due to the bright white lights that filled the room. Not Central City Hospital, I thought to myself. I felt a presence at my side, and looked down to see Barry laying beside me. I then examined the surroundings more. Computers were lined along the back of the room, and there was nobody else in sight. I was hooked up to so many machines, but didn't see a single scratch on my body. What happened? Where am I? I moved around, examining my surroundings. Barry must've felt my movements. He shot up from next to me with a smile on his face.
"You're alive!" Barry placed a kiss to my cheek and grabbed my hand. "I've been sitting here ever since I woke up. I wanted to make sure you were alright," Barry said before he kissed the top of my head. "They were unsure if you were going to wake up, but I knew you'd pull through." I was so confused. The last thing I remember was the particle accelerator, and then nothing else.
"How are you not panicking right now? I'm so confused, and I want some answers!" I sat up from the bed. "Why are there so many tubes and wires connected to me? Where's the doctor?".
     "This isn't your regular hospital...We're at S.T.A.R. Labs."
"What?" I asked, surprise in my voice. "This is not the same-".
"Listen". Barry placed his hands on my shoulders as I looked deeply into his eyes. "We were struck by lightning the night of the accelerator explosion, as well as doused in an array of chemicals. We flatlined at every hospital. Doctors, nurses, and specialists were all left clueless as we were transported to countless facilities. No one could understand what to do in our condition. Our vitals were off the charts, heartbeats going way out of control, but yet we were still breathing. Before all Hope was lost, Dr Wells approached the specialists, and Joe gave him permission to take us here. Dr Wells and his staff were able to keep us stable and kept us alive. I don't know how, but they did. All that matters is that we're here."
     "Barry," an unfamiliar voice called from down the hall. "I need you to---," the voice stopped as I came into view and she entered the room. "Oh, Hello Chloe! Glad to see you're up and moving." She walked over to a desk and placed a clipboard down.
"Whats happening?" I asked as I swung my legs over the edge of my bed and began removing some of the wires and tubes from my body.
"Wait! I know you're eager to explore, but I have to give you both examinations before you leave. Though you're awake and able, i need to make sure everything checks out. You are in different health and physical states then when you first came. I didn't get to examine Barry yet because he refused to leave your side. But now that you're awake, my job can begin." Dr Snow, who I recognized as one or Dr Well's scientists walked back over to the desk and grabbed her clipboard. "Mr Allen, first if I may ask, can you take off your shirt?". Barrys raised his eyebrows at her question.
"Not exactly what I imagined this examination to be, but alright..." he said before tugging at the hem of his S.T.A.R Labs T-Shirt and pulling it up over his head. My eyes widened as I examined Barry's bare back. He was indeed different than when I last saw him. His back was more muscular and toned than before.
      "We have to do multiple tests and check to make sure that no injuries are left untreated. Additionally, we need to note any physical or psychological changes." Caitlin looked at Barry's front and poked and squeezed his muscle tissue. She looked around for abrasions and bruises, but didn't find anything. "You seem to be fine. No major damage, everything's all healed. She turned Barry around and I nearly drooled at the sight of Barry's front. His biceps bulged, and they had clearly gotten more muscular. Even more bizarre (but also better), he had clearly defined 6-pack abs. Barry's never been to the gym in his life. My eyes stayed glued to Barry's muscle tone as Dr Snow continued to speak.
"The confusing part to me is how you healed so quickly," Dr Snow examines Barry's back.
"4 months ago we discovered a fracture in your spinal column, and it is already healed. A spinal fracture takes at least 9-12 months to heal if it was as severe as yours. See for yourself." Barry turned around and looked into the mirror. He examined the x-ray of his back, and was surprised to see that all his vertebrae were now in perfect place. What also surprised him was what the X-Ray didn't show. He looked down at his chest and arms surprised to see something he never expected.
     "Lightning gave me abs?...And muscles? How-".
    "You both were struck by lightning dude", another unfamiliar voice said as it joined us in this room. This man was young and had long black hair. I recognized him as Dr Ramon, another one of Dr Wells' colleagues. "You're lucky you survived."
     "Especially with your injuries," Caitlin added.
      "You are indeed," a familiar voice boomed as he entered the room. Dr Wells emerged from the dark of the hallway in a motorized wheelchair. My eyes widened. What happened with the accelerator? "Impact of the particle accelerator," Dr Wells stated as he looked down at his legs. "You two weren't the only ones who lost something that night. I lost the ability to walk, but that's not as worse as the people who lost their lives."
"I'm so sorry, I didn't know...".
"I am too. But when I said I wanted you two to come visit, I didn't mean like this. I'm sorry that my work has affected you in this way."
"In what way? Barry and I are both here and healthy, aren't we?" I asked.
"I guess you're right. It's just that we lost so many lives in the explosion, including Dr Raymond. Dr Snow is still grieving."
      "I'm so sorry Caitlin," Cisco said rubbing her back as her eyes began to water.
      "These have been the busiest 9 months of my life. I've been working to repay and help the families of those affected, and now the press is finally starting to get off my back."
       "9 months? I've been here for 9 months...".
"Almost 10," Cisco corrected. My eyes widened at the realization.
"Almost a year of life wasted. Family and friends left concerned about our well being. My house! Our jobs at CCPD...Cases must be piling up! Barry, we have to go!" I got out of the bed quickly and began ripping off the medical equipment attached to me. I looked down at my attire: S.T.A.R Labs sweatpants and a hoodie. I slipped on the converse that were placed next to my bed.
     "Chloe, you can't leave, I haven't done the examination!" Caitlin called as I walked to the opening of this room, what the scientists call the "cortex."
      "I got out of bed just fine after being in a coma for 10 months. I think that proves everything's all good," I said with a thumbs up. "Thank you for all your help, Dr Snow, but I think I'm alright. "C'mon Barry, lets go," I said as I took a few steps forward and waiting at the opening of the cortex for Barry to join me.
Barry stood up and took a few steps towards me. He turned around quickly and gripped his sweatshirt.
"Can I at least keep the sweatshirt?" Barry asked. I rolled my eyes. We missed almost a year of our lives, that should've been the last thing on his mind.
     "Yes, keep the sweatshirt," Wells replied before Barry smiled like a little kid. I then grabbed Barry's arm and dragged him down the long hallway to the elevator. Barry turned for me as we waited for it to come up to our floor. He took my hands in his and looked at me intensely.
     "I thought I lost you. I woke up 3 weeks ago, and I jumped out of bed immediately after seeing you still asleep. Even with my spinal injury I managed to get out of bed and sit with you. They begged and begged me to move, but I wouldn't. I truly care about you, and I laid there every night and every day waiting for you to wake up. I really thought I was going to loose you, and I don't know what I would have done with myself if I did. I've lost so much in my life, and I can't loose any more, especially you. I should have protected you from that bolt. You don't deserve this," Barry's eyes trailed to the floor as the elevator chimes and we stepped inside.
     "Stop, Bar. You don't have to dwell on what happened. What matters is we're here now. We can go back to our lives as normal, starting now. Tell you what, we haven't haven't even had a proper first date yet. How about Friday?" I asked, trying to end things on a happier note. Barry perked up. I just wanted our lives to go back to how they were before all of this happened.
     "I'd love that," Barry said. I got up on my tippy toes and pecked Barry's lips before we arrived at the bottom level. We were both filled with a little bit of happiness, and seeing Barry smile again made me smile.
    My nostrils were flooded with the familiar scent of coffee and donuts as the elevator doors opened to the Central City Police Department precinct. We were greeted with familiar faces as we entered the building, one of which we knew all too well.
"Barry? Chloe? You're alive!"Joe exclaimed before he emerged from behind his desk and scurried quickly to where Barry and I were standing. He pulled us into a hug quickly.
"Iris and I checked up on you two every day. That Wells brought you two back to us," tears filled his eyes. "You don't understand how it would've been if I lost both of you. I've lost a lot in my life, and I have so much more to lost. I'm just glad you made it through."
"Us too, Joe."
"On a lighter note, CCPD's been struggling without you. The amount of cases are out of control, and the substitute they hired for you is awful. I'm sure Captain will be happy to see you two back in the lab again." The three of us charged a chuckle. Hearing Joe's laugh was something else I didn't know I missed. "You May want to stop by and see Iris too. She's been staying over a lot at Eddie's, so I haven't really had a chance to catch up with her. She's working a shift a Jitters if you want to stop by." I looked over at Barry and shrugged.
     "I'm up for coffee. I mean, I did just wake up from a 10 month coma and could use some caffeine. How about you Barry?". Barry nodded.
"I'm down."
"Alright then. Joe, were going to get going, but we'll keep in touch". Joe nodded.
"See you two soon."
"Sure will," I said before Joe split off and his position infront of us was replaced by our Captain.
      "Chloe. Barry. Nice to see you two again. You're not going to believe me when I say this, but CCPD was crumbling without you two. We lost a lot of your work in the accident, but it's all cleaned up and we tried to restore everything the best we could. Visitors weren't allowed during your treatment, so people just started bringing gifts and cards up to your lab. I'm sure Joe will have no problem bringing them home for you. And don't feel pressured to come back to work so quickly. Come back when you're ready and mentally up for it. I don't exactly know how much recovery time is needed for lightning strikes, so take as much time as you need."
"Thank you," I replied. "I appreciate greatly your understanding".
"Anything for Central City's best," he responded before going back into his office.
"Did he just?—," I asked in disbelief.
"Yup..." Barry replied.
"Captain being nice...Who knew all it took was a near death experience."
"Don't make me regret my decision," Captain yelled from his office. I gulped.
"Have a good afternoon Captain!" I exclaimed as Barry and I walked along the Central City streets to visit Iris at Jitters.
      Barry held the door for me as we stepped into one of our favorite places in town. Barry, Iris, and I have a lot of memories here. Particularly coming here after school and sharing a few cookies and hot chocolates before Joe would pick us up when he got out of work.
Barry and I walked up to the counter and ordered the same thing we always did.
"Hi, what can I get you?" a blonde barista asked as we ordered.
"Three hot chocolates and three chocolate chunk cookies, please". I handed the barista the money and the barista shared the order with Iris, who was busy at work making orders. She was very focused at her job, and good at it too. She had our order done within seconds.
"Three hot chocolates and three chocolate chunk cookies for one...Barry Allen?" She asked with surprise in her voice. She found us immediately at the table we always sat at: our table. A hand covered her mouth and tears filled her eyes as she grabbed the tray and whispered to the blonde barista. Iris then emerged from behind the counter with our order and joined us at the table. Barry and I both got up and took turns hugging Iris tightly.
        "Im so happy to see you guys! Everyone was beginning to lose hope. The last time I visited they told me things weren't looking good. I couldn't bare the thought of losing you guys, so I didn't want to go back. After someone mentioned funeral plans I couldn't take it. I've been staying with Eddie, mostly. He's been helping me get through this a lot. But Im just happy you guys are alive and well! My favorite couple..." Iris smiled widely, and Barry and I smiled back. We were all so happy to be in each others presence. We were practically the theee musketeers.
"Hot chocolate and chocolate chunk cookie for the lady..." I said as I slid a cookie and cup over to her side of the table.
"I see your taste in hot beverages and desserts hadn't changed," Iris said as she took a bite of her cookie. The three of us sat there for an hour or two reminiscing and catching up.
"You better get back before you get fired," I said, motioning to the counter.
"No worries. The barista you talked to earlier is my boss. She heard about you guys and told me to take as much time as I needed to catch up."
"How nice of her! But as much as we'd love to stay and chat, we have 10 months of cases and household responsibilities to catch up to."
"Alright...But it was good seeing you guys," Iris said as we gave her another big hug. "See you soon."
"Yes you will," I replied before Iris put her apron back on and disappeared behind the counter. "Maybe we can go out sometime this week and catch up. I know there's a lot we missed."
     "Sounds good! See you two later," Iris replied with a wave. Barry and I then threw our cups and trash away before stepping out into downtown. Barry and I stood under the awning of Jitters and watched the rain as it was pouring down.
      "Too bad we walked here. Maybe if we hurry, we can catch the next bus," I suggested.
     "We better hurry if we want to catch it," Barry said as he took my hand and we jogged to the nearest bus stop. My hair and clothes became soaked as we jogged our from under the safety of the Jitters awning. At that point I wished we had called an Uber. For a minute, we were running normally. But in a matter of milliseconds, we were running at superhuman speed.
    Confused and scared, I didn't know what to do. I rushed past cars that drove along the streets, and buildings and city details blurred past me as I continued running. To my left, I could see a blaze of red. Behind me, a blaze of pink. I didn't know what this aura was that was following me or what was happening to my body in this moment, but I needed to stop.
Soon enough, I did stop. I crashed very abruptly into a hard surface, and then fell on top of a semi soft one. Under me was Barry, whose face was red as a tomato. I blushed as I realized our position, and stumbled as I tried to stand up. Looking around, I noticed a very familiar front garden and front door: I was outside my own house. I helped Barry off the ground as he pulled out his phone.
      "Call S.T.A.R Labs, now."

Flashette(A Barry Allen/Flash Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now