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We were told by Caitlin that a special friend was visiting. Felicity came, but they said it wasn't her.
They led us outside and we waited for what seemed like forever. But the waiting was over when a tiny spec in the sky seemed to be getting closer. A figure of a man crashed to the ground, leaving the cement cracked.
"Guys...this is my boyfriend..." Felicity said.
"Hi, I'm Ray," he said. We proceeded to go back inside while Cisco and Ray talked about science stuff.
"Ray, you're actually just in time. We were about to tell Barry and Chloe about an incident that was reported last night and since you're here, you can help as well. There was an attack last night at a local college campus. The victim had many bee stings all over the body. And I know what you're thinking. Why did it have to be bees? Ain't nobody got time for bees......Does anytime want to join me in buying a bee keepers suit?"
"That won't be necessary Cisco. We'll try to get her. Try to dig up any background info on this college. In the meantime, Chloe and I will head to CCPD. Call us if you have anything," Barry said before we sped off to CCPD.
When we got there, we had our cases stacked up on our desks and we sped around completing them.
"You're lucky the Cap isn't suspicious. I've been making up excuses for you guys," Joe said standing in the doorway.
"And thank you for that. We have too many metas on our hands and it is hard to keep up with at times."
"That's understandable. They found this at the crime scene yesterday," Joe said handing me a vile.
"It was taken out of the victims skin," he said.
"It looks like a stinger.....but it's not real. These must be robotic. And they contain a large amount of epitoxin. C'mon Barry, let's bring this back to S.T.A.R. Labs," I said before we sped off.
"Cisco, these aren't real...they're.."
"Robots. We know. We saw the security footage. Her name is Brie Larvan....aka Queen Bee...or Ray likes Bug Eyed Bandit...Anyway, she once created these bees for agricultural purposes, but got fired from Mercury Labs because she wanted to use them for military purposes."
"That's useful. She must be going after Dr McGee because she fired her. She needs to stay safe and Ray, you're gonna keep an eye on her. We have to find a way to track Brie."
"We also have another meta out there. We've been tracking him for a while and he finally made a reappearance at STAG industries. One of you will have to go."
"I will," I said.
"When we have anything about him, we'll tell you. The bees are heading towards Bill Carslile. He was a co-worker of Brie and he told on her. He works at Folsom Tech, Go now!" Cisco said before Barry sped away. When he got there, Brie walked in with her bees swarming her. They flew over to Bill and Barry ran at the same time to save bill, but some of the bees went after him and he had no choice but to run away. Bill was left dead, as Barry was running around the building frantically, trying to get the bees away.
"Which way Cisco?"
"Left, there's a vent nearby..." Barry ran to the left and no vent was found. He was trapped. He sped through the glass window and crashed to the ground. But It was too late. The bees had caught up, stung him, and left him in cardiac arrest.
"Barry!" I said.
"STAG industries..GO!" Cisco shouted. I felt bad about leaving Barry, but I had to go.
When I got there, there were hundreds of this one guy standing all around the building. I tried fighting some of them off, but they wouldn't stop coming. I was swarmed by them and couldn't get out of it. Through the earpiece I heard Barry going into cardiac arrest and dying in my ear. I thought: "this was it....this is the last time..." I didn't know what to do. I was going to die, along with Barry. There would be no more Flashes and hope would be gone. They got closer and closer and started beating me up.
"You are never going to win...." they all chanted over and over.
"The Flashes are over..." they said before the room went black......And I believed them.

Flashette(A Barry Allen/Flash Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now