The One Time I Party.

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I sighed from under my light blue duvet, a few tears escaping my eyes as I finished the official ending book of Harry Potter for the 4th time. I pulled the duvet back, standing up as the large shirt fell to it's rightful place on my knees. I walked over to my bookshelf placing the book back perfectly in place. There was a loud knock on the door signaling someone was there. I groaned as I realized I was only in a baggy t-shirt and knickers. "One minute!" I muttered as I walked to my dresser, the person still rapidly knocking as I pulled on the black and white yoga shorts. I walked to the door, swinging it open. "Paige at your service, Kassie." "How did you know it was me?" "Well one, I don't get very many visitors, two you seem to be the only one I've ever had that won't stop knocking on the bloody door until it's answered." She shrugged and I took a moment to take in her appearance, her dyed blonde hair reaching just past her breasts were in waves, her short dress reading 'POW!' All over it in comic form, her platforms making me wince just looking at them. "Going somewhere?" I questioned as I plopped back down onto my bed. A large smirk covered her face as she nodded, "We. We are going somewhere." A loud groan found it's way out of my mouth as I shook my head. "I don't wanna leave at the moment!" "Paige Toni Tommy you are getting out of this damn flat." She demanded, stomping her huge heels on the floor. "It all depends where." She suddenly found my tellie interesting as she muttered something. "What Kass?" "A party..." She muttered just loud enough for me to hear. "No. No. No, see yah tomorrow Kass, you should really get going." "Paige please! Please!" "Whyyy?" I whined as she pleaded, "I just reallyyyy want you to come!" I sighed as she gave me that perfect pouty face, I caved nodding. "Just let me go get ready." She jumped up and down, letting out joyful squeals.

I looked at myself in the mirror, feeling a bit confident, I had put my long, ombré'd hair in waves, my shorts were a bit shorter than I preferred, but it was a floral designed 'flowy' tank-top as a shirt and bleach spotted short-shorts, and my eyes only had winged eyeliner. And to finish the look off I applied some nude colored lip gloss and flats. I walked out to Kassie, giving her a short twirl as she pretended to take pictures. I laughed as I blew her a kiss watching as she caught it. I grabbed my IPhone placing it in the valley of the built in bra of the shirt before heading towards the door, following Kassie before turning off the light and locking the door. I let out a loud sigh, I was putty in this girls hands.

She grabbed my small hand in her slightly bigger one leading me down the streets of London, the sharp breeze of the night emitting a shiver from my small body, suddenly a loud bass was heard followed by lots of laughter and more music, the house coming into play, I suddenly felt over dressed. Both bloody ways. These girls were in practically nothing! Here I am, wearing a nice shirt. I'll get you back Kassie Tuttle.  We entered the mansion like house, the outside already trashed, and it looked nearly the same on the inside. "Paige! Go mingle! I see the new frats! I'll come get you later boo!" Kassie yelled over the blaring music before scurrying to her new prey. I let out a long, aggravated sigh plopping down on a black leather couch placed in the corner for more space. Digging out my IPhone for around five minutes the couch suddenly dipped, and I looked up to meet a guy, around 19 or 20. His smile was contagious as I sat up straight on the sofa. "Why are you over here, all alone?" He questioned, his eyes looking amused. "I don't like parties." I laughed, standing. He grabbed my wrist surprising me, I raised a concerned eyebrow at him as he tugged me back down. "Where are you going?" His eyebrows furrowed as his green eyes looked aim-Lessly around my face. "The bathroom?" "I don't want you roaming through these people." He answered blankly with a disgusted look on his face. "I don't even know your name, I don't know why you give a shit!" "Because," He stood, his curls slightly bouncing as he harshly grabbed my wrist, causing me to wince. "You're mine. Whatever I say goes and I'm not having some filthy bastard touch you." He growled as he glared at me for a moment. What exactly have I gotten myself into? I thought to myself as I tugged my wrist, trying to get it free.

Oh I've got myself involved with a physco! Nice going, Paige! Stupid, stupid!

His face suddenly turned soft, vulnerable, his grip suddenly delicate on my wrist. Was this boy bipolar?! "Stop trying to get away from me." He whimpered desperately, confusing me even more. I have never been more scared! One second he's gripping my wrist extremely tight, glaring at me and telling me what I can and can't do then the next he's begging me to stay, making me feel bad? What the hell!

"Please leave me alone!" I whined as I finally got his grip off me, "Paige I don't want you to be afraid of me!" I froze, frowning. I never told him my name. "H-How do you k-know my name?" "I know everything about you." He admitted, lightly blushing, "Harry! Niall needs you for a quick moment!" A boy with black hair in a perfectly sculpted quiff said as he grabbed 'Harry' off the couch. "Stay. Here. Do not move." He growled at me as he walked away with the guy. Pffft, did he really think I'd listen? I rolled my eyes as I stood, quickly walking into the large crowd of dancing people. Hah! There was at least 100 people in this one spot! He'll never find me! "In your face, curly!" I muttered to myself as I walked around the large crowd. Desperate hands continuously grabbed at my hips, each time I'd push them back or pinch at them. Suddenly though, something was thrown and loudly slammed.

"Where the fuck is she?!" A voice screamed through the large house, the music had already stopped as everyone looked, scared. I recognized the voice, how could I not? Curly. I gulped as I hid behind a couple in the center of the dance floor trying to blend. "Everyone look, NOW!," He boomed, stepping on the table. I peeked out behind the mans arm, cautiously. "She has a floral tank on, long ombré'd hair, and nude flats. Look. NOW." Everyone immediately searched, the couple turned around, looking at me pettily knowing I was the one he was looking for. The girl sighed, hiding me behind her as she sneakily moved us to the bathroom. "Swap." She almost whispered as she took off her 'ACDC' crop top and high waisted shorts. I quickly obliged, stripping out of the clothes and into hers.They were a little loose, but made do. "Thank you, so much mam, you have no ide-" "I do, I really do." I smiled lightly at her, now that we were in the light I took a good look at her, she had bright bleached blonde hair that was almost a mohawk but had more hair, and wasn't spiked, she had blue eyes, and bright red lipstick on exposing her pearly whites. "Miley." She smiled, extending a hand. "Paige," I smiled back shaking her hand, gasping as I was pulled into a hug. "I'll help you out most I can. Oh, and I like this shirt." She laughed as she pulled back. "You can have it, as a thankyou." "Thanks babe." We walked out, people still hurriedly looking for me, but now that I was changed it was a different story. They gave Miley glances seeing her floral top, but shaking their head when they saw her hair. "WHERE THE HELL COULD SHE HAVE GONE!?" Curly's voice boomed as he continued to throw things, looking. "Goddamn, he must really care for you!" "Believe it or not I just met him 20 minutes ago." "Holy shit!" "I know" I sighed as we walked back to her boyfriend. He gave me a polite smile as he extended his hand. A large smile plastered my face as I shook his hand. He seemed perfect for Miley. "I'm Liam" "Paige."  "PAIGE." I squealed as his voice boomed again but this time it was right behind me. Miley glared at him as she quickly handed me a card mouthing 'Call me' with a look of pity on her face, same as Liam. Well, shit.


Hiiii! I'm Jayde and I hope you enjoyed the first real chapterrrr! Miley Cyrus anddddd Liam Hemsworth. God Damnnnn. I PLEASE GIVE ME FEEDBACK


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