Another Punishment.

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We finally pulled away, and he wiped a few of my own last remaining tears. "When are we leaving?" I asked quietly, my heart pounding faster in my chest. "Tomorrow." He said back, his voice so small I barely heard him. If I wasn't so drained of tears I would be sobbing all over again. "We're going shopping." He said quickly, turning the black car on, pulling out. His hand grabbed mine and he squeezed my small hand, reassuringly. I didn't know what to think, I didn't know what to feel. I'd lived in Manchestor my whole life.

"Mummy, where's daddy?" I asked as we walked through the park, "He's the biggest, brightest star in the dark night, baby." She replied, actually tricking me into believing it. "Why isn't he here?  With us mummy?" "That is for you to know later, my darling." Her large hand held my much smaller one tightly now, and as I looked up I saw a tear fall down her face and to the damp ground. "Why are you crying?" "I miss our bright star. That's all."

The memory came so fast and went as we passed a park to the side. I had been around six, and cluless. My father had died in a car accident, I'd found that out when I was around twelve. Around three years later my mum found someone, we lost our connection and eventually when I went to college I moved out. She didn't know I was with Harry.  She didn't realize I was gone. But, maybe that was for the best. Wasn't it? She wouldn't care anyways, Paige. My mind reminded me, smacking me in the face. Lovely.

Her thin, make up covered face flashed in my mind. Black hair looking dull as Brian sucked the life out of her. Dull blue eyes; once as bright as mine pondered over me, the way she looked at Brian making me envy the dirty bastard. Brian Wilks. My mothers love interest after my father. He was terrible; an old rebel. He was different from my mum in so many ways, why couldn't she see? She was a hypocrite, always talking about how Tarah should leave Mark when she had very well made a pit of her own in everyones sake of pity from lovers.

Why wasn't I ever good enough for her? Once Brian had came along and sucked my mum in a pit with him she never payed attention to me. Maybe that's why I became the nerd? Maybe that's why I dropped most of my friend's for math? Was it all for acceptance and love when she was supposed to already do that? Maybe.


We walked into  the large mall, Harry holding me extremely close to him as we walked. "Harry," I whined, trying to move away from him  a bit. "Paige." He said in a warning tone, receiving a huff from me as we went into Rue 21. "This is where you shop, right?" he questioned, and I could feel my eyes widen. "How did you even know that?" I questioned, my curiosity killing the cat. "I didn't just know you were my mate at the party Paige; I've known for around seventeen years." I sighed, feeling my anger rising. He'd spied on me.

I grabbed a few shirts, my favorite one being the oversized Mickey Mouse sweater, and a few pairs of skinny jeans, my favorite pair being a dark blue comfy kind. W- Harry. Harry had paid for it before we went out, once again holding as close as possible, squeezing me. We went into a store called Jack Wills and Harry led me to a dressing room after he had chosen a few things. "Stay. Here. I'm just trying a few things on." I nodded and crossed my legs, picking at my light skinny jeans I'd put on once we bought them from Rue.

"Paige?" A familiar voice called, but not a voice that belonged to Harry. "Fuck. Tyler." I whispered to myself, my first boyfriend from when I was sixteen coming closer.  I'd dated him for at least a year, at least until we had gotten accepted into different college's. My eyes instantly planned an escape route, but failed as I remember harsh words, "Stay. here..." I'm breaking a rule either way.

"Tyler." I said quietly as he neared, "How have you been, love? I haven't seen you in ages!" He looked good. Not as good as Harry, but good. his honey brown hair swept across his forehead, bright hazel eyes, thin, yet plump lips; much like Harry's. Fuck, Harry.  "I've been good, you know I'm actually in a rus-" "How's your mum?" Fuckkk. Come on, Ty. "She's fine." I answered dully. When we had dated I still lived with the paling woman, and she had this little act, just to make Tyler like me more. I think that's why I loved Tyler; my mother loved him. No, not him, but his money. What I would be able to do if I had wedded him. Took care of her, letting her and Brian retire early. She had become a witch; once lovely to scary, and dark. "Still into books and school?" He smirked, opening his arms wide. "Gimme a hug, PaigeyPoo." I laughed, not being able to help myself at the old nickname as I hugged him. I quickly tried to pull away but he wasn't having it. I felt his arms tighten, hands pressing into the small of my back to make sure I remained in the tight space.

"Who the fuck is this, Paige?" No, no no no, please, God no. I knew he knew who Tyler was. He was just acting like he didn't, but the rage in his voice? That was real. "This is my old friend, Tyler." I managed, trying not to panic. "Who's this, Paige?" Tyler asked sweetly, just now letting me go. "I'm her fucking boyfriend. Now how about you beat it, prick." "Harry!" His harsh words stunned me; what had happened to the Harry in the car? His face was red; flushed with deep anger. Eyes turning dark before finally tinting orange. "No, Paige, it's alright. We'll catch up later." He tried to keep it sweet, knowing I didn't like to be startled; something Harry knew also, actually. He bit his lip, something I'd caught on he'd do when irratated. He turned on his heel, heading to the exit.

Once Tyler had gone out of eyesight, Harry had harshly grabbed my forearm, pulling me into the changing room. "What the fuck did I tell you?" he growled, his eyes already their orangish color. "Harry, please!" I sobbed, covering my neck with my hands. "You need to know your place." He stated firmly, easily moving my hand from the left side of my neck. "I love you, so much, but you need to get that I mean my rules." And then pain. He didn't even bother kissing over it to soften it. A hand quickly came up to my mouth shielding my screams for help. My hands desperately clawed at him, pain seething through my being.  A moan was heard from him, a low one' a warning for himself to stop before he lost control. Pulling away he licked over the wound and this time I felt it heal itself. "Fuck you, Harry."  He glared at me, obviously trying not to growl, "You're just mad." I rolled my eyes, pushing past him.

He grabbed my arm, pulling me back, "I'm sorry." "No, you're not." He didn't say anything, just followed close behind. "Come here." "No." "Please?" I purshed my lips, turning around to face him. He came beside me, grabbing my hand, entwining our fingers before walking once again.

! ~~~~!~~~~~~!

HEY! Wow, you guys are just so lovely, I LOVE YOU ALL!




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