Little White Lies.

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^^**Harry's P.O.V.**^^

"What'd you tell the girl?" Darton asked as I drank some of the vodka he'd offered me. "What do you think? I fucking lied," I instantly snapped, raising my feet onto the table. I don't think she caught my fib as she was half asleep when I told her. If she would have been more alert my little white lie wouldn't have made it, given as she's so fucking smart. When she remembered what I told her she would know we were still in fucking Australia. He nodded, "Why does it matter if she knows where she is?" I clenched my fists. Why did this little shit need to know? "Because I don't want her to know." I replied shortly. 

"I want to meet her," "No." "I don't see why I can't. I'm helping you out in so many ways." "You can do anything but meet or see her," I was seriously going to mess this sweaty pig up. "Fine. But I want to know everything." "And what if I don't want to tell you everything?" "Then I get to me your pretty little girlfriend." "God, you are such a little fucker," "I know."

^^**Paige's P.O.V**^^

My head lifted automatically to the delicious smell. "Harry," I groaned. I lifted myself from the bed, my body feeling ultimately drained of energy. "Harry," I, yet again, hollered. I stumbled to the mirror, grasping the edges desperately before lifting my head to view my reflection.



My eyes were color of velvet, laced with dark flecks of black.

Ok, looks like I'm going to have to find Harry. When was the last time I even fed? When I ate that boy? Oh. Yeah, that would probably be the reason.

My thin fingers gripped the door knob before I pulled it, the door making an agonizingly loud squeak. I stumbled out the door, my eyes searching for the steps. I found them to my right, the wood looking defined. I gripped the railing as I carefully put my feet on each step.

I held onto the wall as I watched my feet carry me.

 "You can do anything but meet or see her," a voice rasped, there he is, but his voice straining. It sounded like he was almost... Pleading. "Fine. But I want to know everything." A thick, clammy Australian voice spoke. I thought we left Australia? And Everything? So do I, mate. "And what if I don't want to tell you everything?" "Then I get to meet your pretty little girlfriend." "God, you are such a little fucker," That was rude "I know."

I poked my head through the door, and I was met with whoever the fuck Harry was talking to's scent. "Harry." I said desperately, trying not to rip this guys throat out. "Holy shit, you must be hungry!" His... friend spoke. God, his voice was so irritating. "Shut up," Harry snapped, coming over to me. "I'll meet you by the door. I'll take you hunting," I nodded and walked to the door. I shuffled to put my boots on, my throat burning; aching for something.

Harry, finally, emerged from the room. He smiled at me but I couldn't help but growl at him. I was so fucking thirsty and he was taking his sweet old time. "Easy there, tiger," he mumbled playfully as he slid on them damn boots he never gives a break.

"There." "Finally." I grumbled as I opened the door. Warm breeze immediately hit me and I knew there was a problem. "Harry?" "Hmmm?" "It's supposed to be Winter in the U.S."

I literally just heard this little shit choke on his spit. "You lied to me, didn't you?" "I had good, good reasons. Now, let's get you fed." "Like what? All I asked earlier was where we were!" "Because..." "You don't even know why you lied! You just like being in control; being the dominant one! You always have to be the one with all the answers! Here I was, thinking I could trust you and you lie to me over stupid shit!" "Exactly, it's stupid. It's a little white lie. No harm was even done Paige." "I'll hunt by myself." "Don't be stupid; I'm coming with you." "No, I don't want you too." "I'm sorry, okay," "No. Not 'Okay'." He grunted, his hands combing through his chestnut locks. A signal he's nervous and aggravated. Good.

"Look, just let me help you feed then when we get back we can talk about this all you fucking want. I swear."

"Why do you want to come hunting with me so bad?" I questioned, my head cocking to the side in confusion. "Because I know if I don't you'll lose control and kill the whole town."


"Ok," I sighed walking into the dark night, lit up by street lights. Why was it such a  big deal to know where we are? I deserve simple information like that.

He grasped my hand, tugging me into an alley. "Now we wait." He sighed, leaning against the brick wall of the surrounding building.

"What? I think I'm about to starve, Harry." I snapped, looking out the alley. "Don't worry, baby. People will use this place as a short cut."  He gave me a grin, which I half heartedly returned.

 "Well. If we have time I want to know why you lied to me." I spoke, after a mere silence. "I don't know. I don't fucking know." His anger rose, his cheeks burning deeper. "There's obviously a reason, I just want to know, Harry." "You were right, okay? I like being dominant; I like to know things before." He admitted, slumping down the wall.

"I don't like it when you lie to me." I said quietly, kneeling next to him. "I'm sorry, okay?" I nodded,  bringing him to me for a tight hug.

My eyes snapped open once I smelled it. So... Pure.

Her hands were filled with groceries, and she chatted hurriedly on her phone as she walked into the alley. Her red hair flared in the street lights as he light jacket dangled below the hem of her shirt.

I couldn't help but pounce her first chance I got, her blue eyes widening with fear as I traced her neck, looking for the pressure point. "Found it," I whispered into her neck, a grin forming on my lips as my fangs grew, and grew. I let them sink into her light, sticky neck and I was almost immediately met by her sweet, red taste. She clawed and fought at me and I let out a appreciative hum as Harry held her arms down, enticing her.

I could feel her constant squirm get weaker and weaker, and her heart beat slower and slower. And finally, the blood flow ended, as did the slow beat of her frantic heart.

My God, he really has turned me into a monster.


AYEE, GUYS. Sorry it took so long, I'VE BEEN BUSY. Never the less, I love you guys. (:




You're Mine. //Harry Styles; Vampire//Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora