The Call.

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Now dirty blond hair was tugged, my head lifting. A shattering gasp of pain was realeased from my now parting lips as my eyes shot open. Hot breath released over my neck, an aggravated grunt falling from the persons lips. A abnormally warm body pressed against my now cold; a sniffing sound filling the room. "Harry?" I said quietly, knowing already it wasn't the demon, but hope filling my fearful body. "No, someone much more important." I'd heard that voice before, I was sure of it. Recently even. "He bit you." The male voice inquired, almost not believing it. It was only then I put a face, a name, to the voice. This was no doubt Ashton. "Why so soon?" He asked himself, feeling over the still slowly disappearing fang imprints. My hair was released, my face falling back into the plush pillow. I rolled over, the need to make sure falling over me. Yes, this was definitely my second mate. "Where's Harry?" I asked, surprising myself with how calm I was. He chuckled, a low one, laying down on the bed, where Harry had laid not to long ago. "He's dead, darling," My heart seemed to completely shatter, millions of strings tugging. Oh wait, my heart isn't even beating. "snapped his neck. It was soooo easy. Seems you've softened him, yeah?"  I seemed frozen, and he slowly disappeared, like into thin air. Bangs and thumps surrounded the room, and I couldn't breathe.

My body jolted, lifting me from the short, but heart wrenching dream. My body was soaked in sweat, my hair sticking to my neck and even some of my face. My breathing was so uneven; I felt like everyone could hear it. It felt so real, the hair tug, the breath.... Everything. I immediately looked sharply to the side, and it was like I could feel my heart reconnecting. There he was, looking all adorable like while sleeping. A small smile playing on his naturally red lips, curls unruly, flattering his face. I honestly would have killed to be able to see that vibrant shade of green, they remained shut; denying my access. I got off the bed, trying to maneuver myself half blindly due to limited light to the bathroom. Not turning on the light until I shut the door. I pulled the T-Shirt off my body, throwing it blankly to the floor followed by the sweats. I frowned looking at the bra I happened to not recognize, falting for a moment. Had he dressed me? Had he seen my body? Well, I mean below the cup and thin material. He'd dressed me himself by the second day I met him. I shrugged; he was going to see it at some point given we had a eternity.

I tried working the shower, it took at least ten minutes, and finally got in the scalding water. The thin sheet of sweat covering my body running off. My lips pressed in a firm line not seeing any women shampoo, conditioner, or even soap. All I see is Axe, Axe, and oh.... Axe. I sighed, grabbing the body wash and opening it, the large click and water being the only noise in the steamy bathroom. I lathered it on a wash cloth before running across my whole body, not caring if I smelled manly. I decided to wait to wash my hair, hoping the water would be enough to keep it from getting greasy before I shut off the water.

I reached out the shower, knowing a towel rack was close. I grasped a towel and brought in the shower, sighing as I ran the towel over my face. "You're welcome," A familiar, deep voice said from out the curtain. I jumped, a noise like a squeak releasing from my lips. "Harry," I almost shouted, feeling my breathing start to even, "you scared the shit out of me!" He chuckled as I quickly wrapped the towel around my cold body. "Sorry babe, I had to." "Yeah, yeah. I'll get payback." I teased, poking my head out of the shower curtain, "Get me some clothes?" I pleaded, certainly not wanting to get out with the obnoxiously short towel wrapped around me. "I don't know, I'm quite comfortable here." "Please?" I tried to bargain, my eyes widening as I pouted, creating the puppy dog face I'd been using for years. "Fine." He huffed, "But I've seen you nude." He reminded, a large smirk filling his lips, a look of mischief flashing through his bright orbs. "Hush and get me clothing." I rushed, ignoring the large flash of pink splashed on my cheeks.

He soon returned, giving me a pair of panties and a nude colored bra attached with some sweatpants. "Harry," I started,  a eyebrow raising in confusion, "where's my shirt?" He pretended to think, his pointer finger coming up to tap on his chin. "Hmmm,"  He looked down at his plain black shirt, "this will have to do then, yeah?" "You so did this on purpose." I acknowledged, rolling my eyes as he took the shirt  he'd slept in off, handing it to me. "Now, leave." "I just got in." "And now you're leaving." He smiled, "You're so hot when you're sassy." I rolled my eyes, trying not to laugh as he left. I slipped in the clothes, tightening the string on the sweats before opening the door, steam pooling out.

"Fuck." Harry muttered into the phone, his back turned to me. His naked back muscled moved continuously with him, making me stand still in awe. "No, no. She's in the bathroom. What else did he say?" What else did who say?  "I'll come up with something don't worry." I frowned, "She's not fucking leaving my side, tell the fucker that." I jumped slightly, his voice going from considerate to outraged. "Sorry, sorry. I didn't mean to burst." He apologized to whoever he was talking to, a hand coming up to rub the back of his neck. "Just.... Fuck. Ok, I'll get her out of here tomorrow." I wanted to tell him I was here and get answers, but this was just to good. "No, she's not going to be around any males other then the boys. Not even you. How many times do I have to say that?" He growled, raking a hand through his still sloppy curls. "Ok. Tomorrow. Bye." He ended the phone call, a large sigh releasing from his lips before he turned around, eyes widening at the sight of me.

"How... How much of that did you hear?"

"Enough to know we're leaving tomorrow," I almost glared, "and that I won't be meeting your friend on the phone." He chuckled nervously, laying back down on the bed.

"Yeah... We are leaving tomorrow. Just for a short.... Vacation. Nothing to be worried about." "You seem pretty upset about it." I intrigued, leaning against the bathroom door frame, pulling my long hair up.

"Can you please just leave it for once, Paige? What did I say?" "I thought that now that we were one we were going to really connect not keep secrets." "Seems you thought wrong, princess." "Good. I just won't go with you tomorrow," I said confidently; all I wanted was a fucking answer. "You'll do what the fuck I say you do." "No." His face was turning red, a noticeable vein protruding as he took an intimidating step towards me, my own anger rising.

"Don't test me." He almost whispered, his voice raw. "Just answer my question; what is going on?"

"Nothing. You. Need. To. Be. Worried. About." He said slowly; teasing me. Making it out to seem like I didn't get what he was saying. "But I want. To. Know." I was the one to make a intimidating step this time, feeling quite confident. "God, stop acting like a child." My eyes widened, a sharp growl passing my lips as the glass on the table flew across the room; shattering on the wall. "Stop acting like a fucking arse, then." I challenged, not liking how either of us was acting.

If one of us didn't crack soon this wasn't going to be the prettiest night this house was going to see.

And I wasn't going to back down.

This challenge was in his hands. All I wanted was to know what involved me.

And I was going to find out, too.



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