Enticing Words.

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I stand from the dead, lifeless girl in front of me. My eyelids felt heavy, and my head felt dizzy. I reached out for Harry, and he cocked his head to the side in bewilderment as he grasped my small arm in his large hands. Suddenly, there was two of him. His face went in and out of focus, and it was like I could feel the fear rising in him as I faintly heard him scream, and shout. Pain. A sudden rush of exhilarating pain coursed through my whole body, and then bam. I didn't feel anything. I blinked. I blinked again. What was going on? I could see myself. I could see myself drop limply. By now, Harry was crying. I think it was because of how helpless he felt, watching his mate contort. My body shook, almost as if wave, after wave flew through it. My eyelids rolled back. Was I having a seizure? Why wasn't I experiencing it? Harry was frantic, his cheeks flushed with tears flowing down as he shook me, as if the quakes I was experiencing weren't enough. I tried to grab his shoulder. My hand slipped through. My hand just went through him! My breathing increased; as did my heart rate. "Paige!" He screamed, and my body was slowly stopping. A ringing was heard through my hears, sharp and loud. I closed my eyes, holding my ears tightly.

Then it stopped.


I tried forcing my eyes to open, I did. But nothing seemed to awaken them. I don't know what's happening, but it feels like I'm burning. I don't think I am, but it sure does feel like it. Every sense of mine is heightened, except for sight. When it feels like something brushes me my nerves pike up, and it feels like pines are stinging my aching skin.

I don't know how long I've been like this, though.  I lost track after the first few hours. I think it's been a few days. My senses are slowly losing their height, and every time I try to open my eyes it feels as if the force is being lifted more and more every time.

I try again. A hint of light seeks into my vision, and I'm jumping on the inside with pleasure. My tummy rumbles, and I'm suddenly light headed with the rush of adrenaline. I try again, and I feel my hand twitch from my side. From my satisfactory, next is feeling my lips try to quirk up into a smile.

"Blake! Blake! I think she's coming around!" An all too familiar voice croaks. Is that Harry? He sounds so... Dull? Is that possible? "Let me check," A deep, soothing voice sounds. My shins are tapped, and I feel my leg immediately jerk. Whom I believe is Harry lets in a gasp, and I feel my hand being enveloped. I've missed his touch, so much. I'm now positive it's my mate as the feeling of plump lips press to my knuckle. "My beautiful princess is coming back to me." He whispers, and I'm almost positive he's speaking to himself.

"C'mon, Paige, I'm going to need you to try to open your eyes. Don't think about it too much; just blink." I listen to the smooth voice, and I feel my eyelids jerking, trying to open. "Keep trying, c'mon, baby." Harry soothes, and yet again, I think he's talking to himself. I want to giggle at the thought, but I'm too busy.

I blink again, and again. Then something changes. Something huge changes. Light practically pours into my eyes, and I close them again to stop the sudden burn I feel. "There we go, now open back up," The smooth voice commands, and I'm quick to comply. I, slowly this time, open my eyes, and they adjust to the bright light. I hear a sharp intake of breath and I turn my head, and I'm met by possibly the most beautiful man in the world. It's the first time I've ever seen him with scruff, something that hints he's been too hung up with me to keep up his usual hygiene. But, I must say, it works beautifully for him. His once bright eyes are now dull, and empty, but as I watch it's like they refill and brighten with joy and love. His hair, oh my his hair. He's cut it. It lays in a cute, short fringe across his forehead. Yet again, this look works beautifully for him. "Hi," I croak, and my voice is pure gravel from where it hasn't been used in quite awhile.

"Hey," He whispers back, brushing a piece of my wild hair from my face. He grasps my face in his large hand, and the touch sends fireworks through my body. "Thank God," He mutters before his lips are pressed against my surprisingly soft ones. Has he been keeping my lips moist? His lips are so soft, like my own, as they move against me. More fireworks explode in my belly as I revel in my first kiss with him. Strange it's after all that just happened, but I'm not complaining. I am the one that has to slowly break the kiss, and as I look around, I see that we have gained an audience.

"You're very lucky, Miss Tommy." The smooth, soft voice breaks the silence, and I'm quick to look for the giver. He's unnaturally pale, just like us. His eyes are the perfect shade of brown, and his hair is a almost snow blonde. He gives me a polite smile, showing his pearly whites.

"What happened, anyways?" I mutter, coughing as my throat is still so dry. "You drank from a witch." He admits, raising his brow at me. "She was in human form, it was impossible to know, but her venom made you very, very sick. You've been out for almost two weeks." Woah, that's a lot longer than it felt. "Why was I watching it all happen? I... I watched myself have that seizure." He hums as he nods, giving me a happy grin. "Your mind is like my wonderland, miss Tommy. Your powers, they're so different and special. You see, that was one of your powers. You can escape your own pain. You can't escape the consequences, but you can escape feeling them. The power is rare; only two other vampires have ever had it." I gasp, choking on air as I do so. "Do I have any other powers?" I ask quickly, suspense killing me. "Other than the two you know of? Yes. You also have the ability to cause pain, and the last one, my personal favorite, shape shifting." 

"What does that mean?" I ask, my cheeks tinting as I ask stupidly. "Shapeshifting? You can become anything you think of, from people to animals, objects to being invisible. Only one other vampire has ever had the talent!" I smirk to myself, that one should come in handy. "So, I have four powers?" "That's correct, you're a very lucky girl, miss Tommy." "Please, call me Paige." I say, not liking how that all sounded. he nods before he escorts himself from the room, followed by the rest of the boys I haven't got to say hello to yet. I'm left alone with Harry, and I notice we're back home.

"I'm so happy you're back," He whispers as he lays next to me on the bed. He grabs my small hand from my side and plays with my fingers delicately almost as if he wants to remember them. As if I'm going to disappear again. "I'm happy to be back," I mumble in response, turning to face him. "I like your new look." I half tease, and half compliment, and I watch as my favorite Cheshire smile appears on his face.

"You're not looking your A game either, baby."


HI! I'm sorry i take so long to upload! And, I'm sorry this chapter really, really sucks. SHE SEIZURED BECAUSE OF THE WITCH VENOM, IDEK I SAW IT IN A MOVIE AND LIKED IT. DID YOU GET THE HINT FROM TWILIGHT? THE DOCTOR IS CARLISLE.

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