Not Leaving For A While, Curly.

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I turned to face Perrie, her blue eyes holding the same as mine. Fear. I did what I always did when scared, stood frozen as she disappeared around the corner to the room. "Don't" She pleaded loudly I shook my head and peeked out from behind the corner, still hiding. I was afraid how angry Harry would be if he found out I had disobeyed. I watched as a boy with bleach blonde hair stared at her in awe, that must have been her other mate.

"Perrie! What the hell are you doing?" Zayn boomed, a neck vein pressing as he glared endlessly at the blonde boy, knowing he was watching her every move. "I don't want you guys to fight!" She almost sobbed. "Where's Paige?" Harry asked calmly, not bothering to look at her for an answer. Her eyes flickered to the corner I sat behind and she frowned slightly, shaking her head, "Upstairs." "Good." He smirked wickedly, so wickedly and heartless it sent a long shiver down my back. Zayn walked forward, harshly grabbing Perrie and bringing her to the other side of the room with him.

Harry's wicked smirk played endlessly on him as he stood, his height looming and now scary as his eyes were not the bright green I remember, but a dark jade. He walked gracefully until he was in front of a boy with brown hair and light brown eyes. He must be my other mate.

"You know, my sweet little Ash, you really would just love Paige," He taunted, "her long, thin legs. Those big, full lips. Those big, bright blue eyes. Don't even get me started on that long silky hair I bet is going to be great to tug on when she gives me hea-" "Stop!" 'Ash' pleaded, brown eyes widened with rage and sadness. "I will fucking kill you!" He shouted loudly, taking an intimidating step towards Harry.

"You will not even touch me." Harry said calmly, the wicked smirk coming into view, once again.

"Common, Ash. Let's go." "But Michael Paige and Perr'-" "We'll come back later for them, now common." Michael almost growled, and it wasn't until then I realized I was going to be in view in thirty seconds. My blood pumped faster, and if it wasn't for how angry the vampires in the other room were, they would know of my presence. I ran to the closet across from me, sliding in before gently closing the door.

"Now, I think I'm a saviour today, I stopped a going to be war." Zayn chuckled darkly, and I could practically hear his smirk. "Oh, you're still getting punished baby." I snuck out of the closet and back upstairs and into the room, plopping on the bed and letting out a frustrated sigh. Why did my life have to get this fucked up?

The door knob jiggled before Harry walked in, taking off his shirt again leaving him in his sweats. "What happened down there?" "Nothing you need to be worried about." He muttered, giving me a large grin to soften the blow of his blunt statement, the grin was warm and welcoming, unlike his awful smirk downstairs. My beautiful monster had looked like a flat out demon.

He suddenly paced, curls still messy from his sleep slowly bouncing at times. "Do you feel different towards me? Now that it's after the marking?" He asked curiously, he sounded like he needed and answer right away, a answer I didn't have to think about.

"Yeah, I suddenly....Really care about you." It was true. I'd let this creature bite me so I would feel something, and now I do. It felt more stronger than I thought it would, not like I cared at this point.

He walked to the bed, sitting right across from me. "Say it again." He demanded softly, the bright green now back and the glint of adoration slowly reappearing to where it rightfully belonged.

"I care about you." I said quietly, a small smile playing on my lips. He grabbed my waist, setting me on his lap, green eyes now on blue as we shared a deeper connection than I thought possible. "Again." "I care about you, Harry." I laughed, laying my head on his chest.

"I was scared it didn't work."  He whispered suddenly, and when I looked at him a pout played on his plump lips, "What wouldn't work?" "My bite. I was confident at first but... I don't know. I'm just... So happy it did. You would have tried to run away again by now." By now he was holding back tears, and I could see that. It absolutely tore me.

"I'm not going anywhere for a while, curly." I sent him a large grin, poking the small indents in his cheeks as he smiled.

And for some reason, after all of this, I meant what I said.


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