Flash Back.

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 My eyes scanned the gym, chewing nervously on the inside of my cheek.  "Mum, I don't wanna go inside." "Now, now. Danny is already inside." "But.... I don't think Danny wants to go with me." "What do you mean?" My mother pondered, her head tilting to the side as she cocked a suspicious eyebrow. I looked at her, my eyes pleading, "I think he was dared to ask me, I'm the nerd. I'm the bloody nerd, mum! Nobody ever talks to me anymore because I'm always worried about next weeks assignments! Or I'm always trying to study for a test a month away!" "Now calm down, there's nothing wrong with being smart and prepared." "Apparently there is.  Khaliah hasn't spoke to me in two years, and guess what? That just happens to be the time I got into everything geek."  I stomped my low heel on the floor of the car, my childish anger rising. "Alright, alright. Listen, just go in. Try it all out. If what you say is true or you aren't comfortable just walk to your grandmothers and I'll pick you up." I sighed, feeling myself weigh options. I nodded, grabbing the door handle and getting out. I turned around, my breath suddenly sharp and loud. She gave me an assuring wave, putting the car in drive before heading off. I stepped inside the open gym, my eyes scanning over the crowded large room. Balloons hung loosley from striped purple poles, actually, there was tons of  purple.

"Paige!" My head turned to the sound of my name, my throat becoming dry as Danny strided towards me. "You look... Lovely." I smiled shyly at him, not being used to the arrogant compliments. "Thanks, Dan. You, uh, you look quite nice." He smirked at me, a cute sideways one. "Thanks, Paige." "Well, well, well."  My head turned, closing my eyes momentarily as snooty Debby strolled towards us. Her obnoxiously short dress swaying slightly. "Look who actually came." I gulped, watching as her little group surrounded me. "Don't you have tests to study for?" She harshly teased and I slightly gasped, already knowing I was right not to come, my anger swelled as she gave me a disturbing, cocky smirk. "Don't you have any other dicks to swallow? Or have you run out of boys from the football team?" She gasped, and I too was shocked by my harsh language and snappy comeback. That was the first time I'd ever cursed. Her nose scrunched up in anger and I noticed the large crowd that'd gathered. A few snickers erupted, obviously finding what I'd stated amusing.

  A lurking shadow in the back caught my attention for a short second, his tall body emerging a bit. I couldn't see his face, but he certainly didn't belong here. He hunched a bit, cowering back. I was brought out of my amusement with the stranger as my face was turned, the impact of her hard slap being enough to make a large sting. "You bloody geek. You know you can't win against me. You little slut." She spat, and I'd had enough. My small fist collided into her jaw, my hand instantly throbbing as she stumbled back into the crowd. She whimpered, moving away from me and the watching crowd. I turned to Danny, tears already swelling. "Was this a setup?" I asked quietly not being able to even look at him. "Paige I-I'm sorry. Debby paid me to get you to come but I just thou-" I cut him off, my own hand colliding with his cheek. I held my hand, the dull throbbing returning. "I can't believe you." I whispered, turning away from him and running to the exit.  I sobbed quietly as I exited the gym, not bothering to wipe away the fresh, hot tears. He used me. I felt the cold September air whip around me, and my arms wrapped around my small body. Leaves crumpled behind me and I turned slightly, acknowledging a tall boy following me. "What do you want?" I asked quietly, stopping with my back turned to him. Not a word was spoken as a warm jacket was dropped to my shoulders, a warm kiss being planted to my cheek before one falling onto my neck. "I'll make them pay." He whispered, his voice silky and husky. I whipped round, gasping loudly as no one was there. I slipped my arms through the jacket clinging it close to my body.

Who was that?

I gasped as I shot up from the couch, my dream thankfully ending as I remembered the school dance when I was just fourteen. Harry. The boy was Harry. I looked around, notiing I was alone in the room. I mus have fallen alseep. Lou? Yes, darling. the almost immediate reply from mind messaging the creature made me jump slightly. Where are you? Upstairs, love. How was your nap? Fine, you dweeb. Words hurt, you know. Yeah, yeah. Where's Harry? He went out to get a quick feed. Shouldn't be much longer. Why? I just need to talk to him. Come keep me company? I'm not sure that's a good idea, Paige. You know Harry. Please? I heard a loud sigh from the floor above me, followed by the creaking steps of him walking down. "Thank you, Louuuu." "Yeah, yeah." He sat beside me, and I turned to face him. "Where's the other boys?" "Feeding."  "Why didn't you go?" He shifted nervously, obviously finding my question a bit of a struggle. "He... uh, he didn't want you to try to escape." "What?" Oh. Really? Really, Harry. Now I'm not even trusted as a vampire. "You're still upset, Paige! Your feelings and emotions are all messed up. You don't know what your mind could come up with when you're still a new born." "For fucks sake," I muttered, "Oh, you'd do the same if you were in his shoes." "Mmm." I mumbled, not wanting to discuss the dull conversation further.

The lock clicked and opened, and all the boys practically stumbled in. "Paige!" Harry hollered as he himself entered and he smiled widely at me as he saw me. His eyes flickered to Lou, who quickly moved over at lest three spots. I rolled my eyes, getting off of the couch. "I heard a certain someone doesn't trust me." I teased, even though it hurt, and raised a questioning eyebrow. "I-uh... Well... You're still a new born." "Mhm." "Look, when I know you're developed I'll allow you to stay home alone." "Anyways, I would like to talk to you." He nodded, grasping my hand and tugging me up the steps. "Oh! You haven't been formally introduced to our room!" I rolled my eyes at his excitement, a light laugh falling from my parted lips. He opened the second door to the right, he smiled happily and proudly to himself as he walked in, lightly squeezing my hand. I smiled as the room held a soothing vibe, the dark navy walls coating the large room. The big bed against the wall held the same comforter as the other home he lived in, the dresser was the same, except he'd painted over it a deep blue, and the door was practically the only thing white in the room. I walked to the second door, grasping the clear handle before opening the door. The bathroom was larger than his last, and instead of just a shower you could take a bath, also. I nodded approvingly as I looked over to him, laying down on the fluffy bed.

"You do like it?" He asked, and I wanted to smile at his unneeded nervousness. "I love it." I confirmed, feeling the bed dip a bit at his body weight. "What did you wanna talk about?" He pushed, "Something that happened... A while ago, really." I cracked an eye open, just in time to see him nod his head for me to continue. "My school dance... When I was fourteen. That was you that followed me and gave me the jacket, wasn't it?" Both of my eyes opened fully, and I propped myself up on my elbows to see his reaction. He smirked knowingly, nodding quickly remembering the cold night. "You never let me thank you." "You didn't need too. You're my mate, it's my job to take care of you. It was then it is now." He stated warmly, and I closed my eyes as they felt a bit heavy. "What did you mean you'll make them pay?" He easily tensed, his eyebrows furrowing. "Don't worry about it." He demanded, but it was really a warning. My mouth fell open in surprise, my question staying in the open. "But, Harry," "Leave it, Paige." "Whatever, anyways, thank you." "You're welcome, even though you don't need to thank me." I layed back down on the bed, smiling warily as he joined me. His arms wrapping smoothly around my waist before he pulled me closer, his head resting on my shoulder. "We'll get you fed later, we can go ahead and take a nap, baby." I nodded, still feeling drowsy from my first nap, which was barely an hour ago. Why am I always so tired? It's a symptom of you still being a new born, drowsyness is one of the top happenings. Did I ask you? No, but I answered your question. I sighed, not bothering to answer him.

At least this whole always sleeping thing wasn't abnormal, right?


Hey! So this is just so you get the jist that Harry has always kind of followed Paige, that and I just need some time to think up a few concepts. I also wanted you guys to get a feeling of the good in Paige's mom before I threw some more Brian in there.



14 V O T E S

5 C O M M E NT S

Have a nice day! SORRY THIS SUCKED. .x -J.

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