It's Ashton.

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I closed my eyes for a moment, refusing to cry at the sudden state of vulnerability. He paced himself towards the wall, a large, frustrated growl escaping his lips before his hand connected with the plaster wall. The thick wall busted beneath his strong touch, caving in. I jumped at the sudden, large crash as I backed myself away. I recognized this Harry, all to well. This Harry changed me. He let out long, aggravated breaths. "Please, Please Paige. Leave it." He pleaded, turning to face me as he pushed his anger away.  "I'll tell you what's going on later, tomorrow even. Just... Let me get things sorted out now. I'm keeping you safe, baby." "Harry, please. I need to know what you're keeping me safe from." He bit his bottom lip, debating a visual in his mind on what he should do. He sighed, his large walls caving as he fell into my trap; a lion earning it's prey. "Ashton." What? "Why would my mate want to hurt me?" I questioned, my face most certainly filling with hurt. "I got you. You're not human anymore. You're mine. Ashton's wolf doesn't want you anymore. To his wolf, you betrayed him. His wolf wants revenge. No matter how hard Ashton pushes it, his wolf wants you dead." My eyes filled with distant, hot tears. Given as I was still his soul mate, hearing he hated me pushed a large emotional button. "But, if his wolf tries to bite you, now that you have my venom it'll rush into his veins, killing him." "Stop!" I needed to know what was wrong, yes, but I sure as hell didn't expect that. My mate dying, my mate hating me, my mate wanting me dead. It was a hell of  a lot to handle. Too much.

My body sprinted for the door, grasping the handle and tugging it open. I gasped as the door was slammed, Harry's arm above me; keeping the door in place. "No." he said harshly, "You wanted to know, I told you. You don't get to run away. I'm going to keep you safe. I got you, please just fucking go with it." His words were so dark. So... Heartless. I didn't want him to save me; I just wanted to see my other mate at this point. "I don't want you to keep me safe," I turned around, his body slouching slightly to meet my height. His face twisted; a mixture between emotions. "I need to see him. Just onc-" "Are you fucking crazy?" I was surprised we weren't screaming again yet, his words a normal, throaty tone. "Maybe I can calm him down." "You're not leaving my sight, Paige." "You're so difficult." I muttered, letting out a grunt. "I only do it because I love you," He reminded me. I yawned, giving into him this time as my arms placed around his waist, my face burying into his chest. He sighed, his arms snaking around me as he pulled me tighter against him, a kiss being placed to my temple. "My god, you're a handful." He murmured into my ear, and my eyes closed as he hummed, swaying slightly. "I know." I finally responded.

He moved us back to the bed, placing me down on it. He climbed in beside me, pulling the covers up. I didn't bother with the pillow, instantly moving towards my cocky bastard. His arms wrapped around me, a kiss being delicately placed to my cheek. I placed my head on his chest, favoring this as just one of my favorite moments. One where we weren't fighting, one where we weren't disagreeing. One where he wasn't being possessive or rude. One of the moments where I could let my walls down. 


I shifted as the light hit brightly through the window, slinging my arm across where my mate had once been. I frowned as I touched bed sheets, my body automatically lifting off of the warm bed. I wiped over my tired face before getting up, shivering slightly as my toes hit the cold floor. I walked to the door,  a flashback sifting as I remembered Harry's words in the exact spot just last night. "You wanted to know, I told you. You don't get to run away. I'm going to keep you safe. I got you, please just fucking go with it."

I finally opened the door, looking around as I realized I still hadn't gotten used to the different scenery. My feet padded across the cold hard wood floor to the stairs, walking down them slowly. Laughter held itself in the kitchen; one that belonged to the one and only Niall Horan. I shook my head as I walked through the swinging door, a tea automatically shoved in my face. I grasped it, giving Lou a light 'Thank you' before sitting at the table. "I wasn't sure how you liked your tea," Lou stated, flashing me a large smile, "so I had Harry help me out." I rolled my eyes. "Where is he even at?" I asked, curiosity killing the cat. "Just went out a few minutes ago to meet up with a friend. I would get packed soon if I were you. He said you guys were leaving once he got back."  Zayn said from across the table, turning the page in his morning newspaper.

I shifted slightly, nodding towards him before sipping the steaming tea again. "Hey, Niall," I said as I looked up at him, his hair laying flat against his forehead instead of in his normal high quiff. "Do you have a mate?" He smiled, nodding. His eyes flickered to Louis, and I raised a intrigued eyebrow. "Louis is my mate," He chuckled and I gasped, "What? Wait.... What?" I was so confused, Louis laughed loudly from behind me, walking to Niall and giving him a sloppy kiss on the cheek. "Why wasn't I informed about this?" I pouted, adding a spoonful of sugar to the tea. They both shrugged, "We thought you knew." Niall stated. "Awwwwww. Nouis." I cooed, shipping them with a name.

The door was opened and shut,  boots hitting the ground before emerging in the kitchen. I smiled at him, sighing in relief as he returned it. I got up from my seat, padding over to him and giving him a large hug. He placed a kiss to my temple before pulling away and tugging off his large jacket. "Ready to get packed?" He asked quietly to me, and I nodded, accepting the fact that me and Ashton weren't the right soul mates. I had mine right here. Maybe I don't need to see him, after all.

I hope.

I was tugged up the steps, leaving my tea to go cold as Harry got out two suitcases, throwing them on the bed. "You're clothes are in the black dresser," He stated as he went to the navy blue one.

This was going to be a long, endless, traveling day.

Oh, I can't wait.




So yeah.






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