Having Two Mates Is Difficult.

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Harry sighed dreadfully, not wanting to move from the current position as Louis hollered for him. "Common," He huffed, lifting me easily from his lap and placing me down to the ground. I shivered, even though just moments ago I was against something even colder; Harry's vampire skin. "Would you like a hoodie?" He mumbled from the other side of the room, and I realized I hadn't even seen him cross the dark room. I nodded, peering at the window. The sun was out. Was anything about the vampires and the sun real? "Can you go into sunlight?" My mouth seemed to have a mind of it's own, the question making me freeze. Would he be angry I asked? I almost jumped when he chuckled, walking back to me and handing me a large light blue hoodie that would surely reach my middle thigh. "Old wives tale," He says timidly, a smirk poking at his lips, "but we do have daylight rings." He adds, lifting up his massive left hand to show me a golden ring with something engraved. "Daylight rings?" "Just in case, I really don't know why they give us them. They call it daylight rings, but I've forgotten it quite a few times and never scorched." He shrugged, turning around and walking to the dresser. I pulled the large hoodie over my head, wincing at the thought of him practically dying of heat.

The shorts I'd put on last night were swallowed by the hoodie, making Harry glare at my thin legs before walking back to the dresser, "Nope." He muttered more to himself before retrieving a pair of sweats, throwing them to me."Don't want anyone seeing to much." He said defensively. It somehow reminded me of his encounter with 'Ash'. I flinched, his heartless smirk coming into play with my mind. "Are you alright, babe?" He pondered, head cocking to the side making his, still, messy curls flop. I smiled at how adorable and young he looked before nodding. "Just fine." He took my hand tightly in his, the touch now electrifying.

I plopped down on the couch next to Niall, he faced Harry nervously, almost asking if he was going to get in trouble for sitting with me. Harry shook his head, implying he was fine with the semi close proximate before going to see what Lou wanted. "Hey Niall?" I said quietly, not wanting Harry to hear our current conversation. "Yeah?" He must have known I wanted to keep this on the down low by the soft and quiet tone of his irish voice. "Ash is my second partner, isn't he?" Niall's eyes popped out, obviously being taken by surprised that I even knew about the boy. He nodded slowly, "Well, would he mark me, too? If he ever got me?" He shook his head, getting ready to explain with a big breath. "You've been marked by Harry, Ashton knows that. He can feel that. So, now all his wolf cares about is getting you back. Ashton may care but his wolf doesn't. His wolf just wants his mate. But, that's the thing. If he does get you, which he won't, if he tries to cover your mark the venom from Harry will go straight to him, the werewolf and vampire DNA connect, and bam! He's dead. That's why Michael made him leave, he knew Ashton is new to having a marked mate and doesn't want him getting carried away." He finished, taking a large breath. I surprisingly felt ancy, suddenly on edge for my second mate, almost feeling defensive.

"Ok." I mumbled, feeling a bit flustered. His blue eyes twinkled in the light as he gave me a large grin to soften the dark words he'd said moments ago. Oh, Niall. Harry came out from the kitchen, nostrils flared and eyes dark. They softened mildly as he looked at me, lifting me off the couch. "We're leaving for a bit." He muttered quietly, walking to the closet. "Harry, I'm in sweats and a jumper." "So?" He growled, grabbing a jacket from the closet I'd just earlier today hid in. I licked my pink lips, not wanting to push him any further. He opened the door, automatically gripping my small hand in his much larger one as he closed it. "What happened?" I asked, honestly hopefully for an answer different from 'Don't worry about it.' "Just need a bit of fresh air." "Harry, I hope you realize I know you don't even need air." He glared at me, opening the car door. "Just get in." I did as told, watching as his brows furrowed. He was obviously trying to find an excuse before he got in himself. "You don't have to tell me." I said softly, my thumb drawing comforting circles on the back of his. He sighed, turning in the still shut off car to face me,

"We have to move. To America, maybe Australia. I got frustrated because I don't think you're ready for it, you're still getting used to this. You're not even a vampire yet and they want to travel. I-I just don't like the idea of it. But, we do have to." I felt my heart break; another part wasted. "Harry- I-I'm still getting used to the mating thing and actually liking you and now I have to move with you?" My voice was just above a whisper, panic filling every open puncture hole. "Baby, baby. It's okay. We'll work this all out, I promise." Tears freed themselves from my eyes, sure, I've never been close to any family but my cousin, but I loved my mum. Kassie, even though she did this I still love her. It feels like if I do this I'm shutting down my life. For him.

He reached to my side of the car, wiping the hot tears off my face. "Don't cry. Please, baby, please don't cry." His green eyes twinkled, and I could tell he was holding back tears. "I'm sorry," He said, letting out a loud sob as tears trickled down his flawless face, "I'm sorry you're in this because of me, I'm sorry I made you love me, I'm sorry I took you away!"

And then we were both sobbing. Holding each other for dear life, constantly wiping each others tears away until we were both spent. He held my face in his hands, but what I still think he didn't know was that he'd just stole my heart.

And I didn't want it back, no, not even from my cruel, beautiful, dead, creature of the night.



Almost 20 votes; WOW! That's just fhbgthjbgtnbg

Anywhore, I need 12 votes and 8 comments for next update!


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8 C O M M E N T S

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