This Is New.

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I jolted in the bed as loud thunder crashed, my breath ragged. And for the first time I wasn't angry when Harry sat up and held me, it felt right. He hummed soothingly in my ear, bringing me to sit on his lap so he could gently rock us back and forth. My eyes curiously wandered to the clock, sighing as it read 6:00 A.M. I didn't ever wanna leave this position, I wanted to stay like this, forever. "We're going to be together for a long time." His words from now two nights before rang in my mind, only making me feel relieved when I knew I should feel frightened. Maybe he wasn't a monster after all, just a bit misunderstood. Just maybe. My hands went to the back of his neck, playing with the curls that laid in the nape. No words were spoken, a silent bury of bonding. The thunder had stopped, but neither of us seemed to want to move. It's the marking, Paige. If you were the real you, you would have slapped and denied his touch. My concious spoke harshly, but my walls I had put up for this beautiful creature seemed to have already tumbled, I guess I knew it was how he'd marked me, but I don't think I really cared. His large hands gently rubbed up and down my back, I could tell he was trying to savor the moment, keep it locked up in his memory forever. And I think I would try too.

I shifted, leaning out of his touch to stare at him. His eyes sparkled with adoration, all for me.It was amazing how I could still see those bright green orbs in the dim light of morning. Our moment was ruined when a crash was heard downstairs, both of our heads whipping to the direction of the noise. I hopped off of him, a small frown forming across my face as his eyes turned red. "Stay here. Don't move or I sware to God, Paige." I wanted to yelp at the harshness off his voice, but instead just nodded and sunk down into the bed. He threw a shirt over his perfect torso, sprinting out the door. Suddenly, a girl with blonde hair burst through the door, her blue eyes widened with fear. I looked curiously at her, not sure of what to say.

"What's wrong?" I asked quietly, not sure of how she would react. She walked to the bed, sitting cross legged, across from me. "Listen, every person who has a vampire mate also has a werewolf mate," She spoke in almost a whisper, making rapid hand movements, "me and yours both are from the same pack." She stopped, looking at me to make sure I was listening. "And they came... F-for us." I looked at the girl I had yet to learn the name of confused, trying to match up everything she had said. "Oh, and uhm, I'm Perrie." I licked my lips, ready to make sure I had heard everything correcty.

"Wait, we have werewolf mates, mine and yours are from the same pack, and they came for us?"  She nodded, he thin lips pushing into a straight line. "Well what do we do?" "We wait. It's not our decision, really." She said sadly, picking at a loose strand in the dark comforter. "Who's mate are you?" "Zayn's," She said proudly, her pearly whites showing as she smiled a perfect smile, "we actually just got engaged." It clicked, "We did it for Zayn and Perrie, we'll do it for me and Paige." This was who he had talked about when we had an introduction. "He hasn't changed you yet?" "I told him I wouldn't let him change me until marriage." She said as she giggled. A warm smile crossed my face, trying not to fangirl at the thought of her in a wedding dress. "We have to do something." I groaned, remembering what was happening downstairs. "Well last time they came for me they just talked it out. But I don't know now that they have two mates here."

I nodded, a long sigh escaping my lips. "It wouldn't hurt if we just peeked downstairs, would it?" She smirked, obviously liking my idea as she nodded.

I lifted myself off the bed, her shortly following as I opened the door quietly.  I took a deep breath as we neared the steps, slowly walking down them. We entered the hallway that connected to the living room, which we heard voices coming from, and got as close as we could to the room.

"Just give us a few days with them, they are our mates too." A voice shot angrily, sounding Australian. "No. We don't share what's ours." "They aren't just yours." "I beg to differ." I knew the voice from anywhere, my mate. "Well we don't care what you have to beg. You either let us be with them for a few days, or we steal them for a few days." "You won't be stealing anything. Especially Paige or Perrie." Harry growled, earning a few 'Yeahs' of agreement from the other boys. "You're wasting our time." "Then leave." Zayn said, but it was really a demand. "Why do we even try with you monsters." "Says the wet dog." I heard both of the shifting boys scoff, "You wanna see that side of us?"

"I would be fucking delighted."  I didn't need to ask Perrie what that meant.

They were going to have a battle.


Hey, beautiful ladehsssss! Wow, I actually reached goal. Like shitttt. You probably hate me for this cliff hanger, BUT I LOVE YOU!

Wow, the feedback I get on this makes me sooo excited and inspired! THANK YOU!


WOOP WOOP. What do you guys think of me adding Perrie? Did you like the chapter?



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Love you (: -J .x

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