The Plan That Gets Wrecked.

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I sighed as I took a moment to really look at the vampires in front of me. The one he called Niall was my favorite in looks; other than Harry of course, Harry was down hand the most beautiful male I'd ever seen. I felt a weird feeling towards Harry, it was really strange. But, anyways, he had perfectly shaded hair; brown roots with blonde tips. I watched as he showed aggression towards the T.V. bringing his hand up to anxiously run his fingers through his hair. His eyes were much like mine, a shade darker. I noticed how when he'd look at me for a moment they'd get red flecks in them. I'd made an decision; that probably means he needs blood. He had thin yet plump lips, and a dimple in his chin. I also loved to hear him talk. Him and Harry's voice were like gold! Harry's was deep; husky and Nialls was Irish. Who doesn't love irish accents? I tore my gaze off of him and moved to Liam. His eyes were a deep brown, completely perfect for his face. Even though he was sitting I could tell he was muscular. He had a little scruff of facial hair, and a birthmark on his neck. Next was Zayn. The last I hadn't scanned. He had black hair adorned in the perfect quiff, hazel eyes that I was totally jealous of, and light scruff. Were all vampires this perfect? Damn. I sat next to Lou, giving him a light smile as Harry pulled me up. I frowned at him as he sat down, patting his lap. Are you fucking serious. I looked around the room, desperately searching for another seat and groaned as I sat on his lap. Cheeky bastard he was. He grabbed the remote and turned off the heated game of football. "Hey!" Louis growled as he turned to Harry. "I want you all to introduce yourselves to  Paige, she is my mate yah know. We did this for Zayn and Perrie we're doing it for me and Paige." Harry harshly said back as he placed his hands on my hips. They sighed nodding and turning to face us. "Well, I'm Niall. My power is seeing into the future and smelling. But, I don't use my future power; I feel like I'm cheating life when I use it. Soo, Paige, welcome to the family." He smiled an adorable smile as he sat back, obviously happy with his short bio.

"I'm Zayn, and my power is to move things with my mind and change the seasons. And, welcome." "I'm Liam, and my power is healing! It's so great to finally meet you, dear!" "I'm Louis, as you know, and my power is reading minds and being able to change how you feel." "You're quite familiar with me babe, but I'm Harry. My power is teleportation and extra strength. And might I just mention, I'm the leader of the clan." He stated cockily. That urge to slap him just re-appeared. Louis laughed giving me a large grin. "You're going to be fun to hang out with." "You are not allowed to hang out with her unless I am with you." Harry growled; obviously not happy with how friendly Lou was being. "Now that we all know each other, I'm setting some rules. number one, no hanging out with Paige alone. She's mine, enough said. Number two, you will treat her with respect. Do not be total ass-holes to her. Number three, Paige, you are not to be far apart from me for to long; our bond is growing and it will hurt us both if we are apart for to long, you will be punished if this rule is broken. Number four, You will not talk to other males other than the boys; there will be punishment if this rule is broken, also. Got all that? Oh, and I might add more to this list so, yeah." I am seriously this fucking close to slapping him! Not allowed to talk to other males? They cover half the damn earth! Punishment? What is he going to do, spank me? "Probably." Louis chuckled from beside me; obviously reading my thoughts. "I wouldn't doubt it either." I mumbled. "Doubt what?" Harry curiously asked as me and Lou looked at each other and I slowly shook my head, silently pleading him not to tell. "She wondered if .. uh.. You were a great cook and I said probably!" "Oh." He chuckled, lightly squeezing my waist. "Yeah, I can cook babe. Speaking of which, want some breakfast?" I quickly nodded and got up and Harry followed, leading us into the kitchen. "Soo.. I'm gonna need clothes and stuff." I was hoping he'd take me to my flat and boom, as soon as I get inside I can slam the door and lock it and I'll be safe...And away from him. "Yeah, we'll run by your flat later, love." He said as he got out bacon and pancake batter.

I had finished eating and was currently sat in Harry's room. He wouldn't let me stay downstairs with the boys. At the moment he was in the shower, and I was laying on the bed patiently waiting. He walked out, a towel around his waist. I stared at his.. Beautiful, Beautiful body, even though he scared me, even though I was about to try an escape plan I could still think he's beautiful, right? He smirked as he noticed I was staring. Damn it. I quickly looked down and played with my fingers, "Paige, you know you're going to be seeing me naked at some point, right?" Hah, no. "Oh, I'm sure." I said sarcastically, letting the smart ass in me out. I might be a book worm, but I got sass! "No need to be sassy." He chuckled as he grabbed clothes and walked back to the bathroom, gently shutting the door. I sat up, slipping on the flats from before as he emerged from the bathroom wearing an identical V-Neck but tight black skinny jeans. I walked towards the doors, mentally groaning as he laced our fingers together as we walked downstairs. "We'll be back later, lads! Paige needs some clothes." They slightly nodded, their heads once again stuck to the T.V.

We finally got to my flat, I quickly ran up the steps and dug the key out of my bra before opening the door and slamming it in Harry's face; locking it. "Paige!" He said, already annoyed at my rather rude gesture. "Let. Me. In." He growled harshly, banging on the door. "You either unlock the door, or I get in my way." I stayed still as I faced the door, concerned on what he meant. I let out a loud squeal as I was turned around and slammed against the door. Only then did it hit me; one of his powers were teleportation. Nice going, Paige. His green eyes were no longer their bright, shiny green but changing to a orangish color. He grabbed my hair bringing it to my right shoulder. "Punishment." He growled into my ear before his plump lips kissed my neck, I gasped as I felt his fangs graze over where he had previously kissed. I tried pushing him away to no avail. Pain pierced through me as I let out a loud scream, his hand coming and covering it to muffle my desperate screams. It scared me when he let out a moan, pulling away. "Now, go pack your things." He stated devilishly before placing himself on my couch. I felt hot, silent tears trail down my neck as I felt over where he had bit me. There was no longer a hole, but there was still a bit of blood. That had certainly not worked how I had planned. Damn.


Ok, wow. I know two votes may not seem alot but to me it's fucking heaven. Plus a comment? Hot damnn. So, yet again I'm saying this. I  NEED SOMETHING BEFORE I UPDATE A VOTE, COMMENT, OR FAN YOUR CHOICE, BABE! Thanks bunches, .x -J.

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