I've Changed.

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Harry had to drag me the rest of the time we shopped, my body feeling drained because of him. He had hurt me. Badly at that. Fuck, I hate him. I don't care if my feelings are totally engulfed in him. I don't care if my mind is up in space because of his venomous bite; the thing that made me get feelings in the first place. If I wouldn't have let him bite me I honestly wouldn't be in this mess. Oh, no, we could still be where I hated him completly, but no. I had to give in to those green eyes. I just want to go back to my flat, go to my classes, read Harry Potter for a fifth time and just be regular old nerdy Paige. Why does it have to be me? Why couldn't it have been Kassie? Fuck Kassie. She got me into this. Why have I been cursing so much lately? My goodness that needs to stop.

Harry gently patted my shoulder, dragging me out of my thoughts to remind me that we were home, or to tell me. Same thing right? I stomped past him as he waited for me; his open hand waiting to greet mine. I heared him growl, grabbing my arm, dragging me back. "What the fuck, Paige?" "What you did back there was terrible Harry! I feel completely drained! You shouldn't be awarded for that kind of stuff!" His eyes flashed; a quick, sudden flash of deep anger gravitating it's way to the cold surface. "It's not a reward baby. Don't you remember my rule from the first night?" "I honestly just don't give a shit." A bigger flash, and I noticed this one stayed. "I will fucking bite you again Paige. You're really tempting me." "Oh, please, Harry! It won't even hurt soon from how much you take! I'll be a vampire by tomorrow!" Why was I pushing it? I felt like my feeling from the first night were forcing their way to my own surface. "Is that what you want?" Green eyes now tinting orange, "I can change you Paige. Right here, right now."

"Harry stop." I whimpered, my body carrying me back until I hit his large black car. "Do you want that Paige?" He now yelled, fist colliding with the car window beside me, the glass shattering mercilessly. I let out a loud cry, my body pushing him away as fear gutted me. What the fuck was wrong with him? "I think it's about time, Paige!" He said darkly, even adding a dark chuckle afterwards. He turned to me, his eyes the brightest orange I'd ever seen.  "Harry!" I screamed as he threw me to the ground, the wet dew on the grass cooling my aching, burning up body from impact. "You get what you deserve." He said evily, inhaling my scent.  Tears ran freely down my face as I screamed, my voice now begining to crack.

Then there it was. The sudden impact of his sharp fangs making my eyes close, my mouth go dry. Pain seething through the two tiny puncture holes. His arms held me down, strong limbs hurting me. It had been too long already, I felt my eyes closing, my body losing feeling. I was dying. "Harry." I whispered, my fingers twitching from my paling body. "Harry! Oh my God.... Harry no!" My eyes weekly opening, my head tilting slightly as Liam ran towards us, ripping Harry from my motionless body. "What have you done?!" He wailed, and I felt the puncture wounds heal slowly. "What have you done." He whispered, my eyes begining to close. "No! Paige, look at me. Look at me!" I couldn't take it. It felt like I was burning. Like I was scorching in my own little hell. My eyes closed completely, and I felt peaceful. I'd always wondered what death would feel like. Was this it? Just feeling at peace? No harm? I felt like I was slipping. Slipping from whatever state I was in. And finally, I couldn't do anything.


My eyes slowly opened, and I groaned, rolling back over so my face was buried into the pillow. Wait, was I alive? Had I not died? I rolled back over, my mind blanking as I stared around the room.  It was unfamiliar. How long had I been out? Obviously more then a day if we'd already moved. Everything looked so much more.... Detailed. I was alone, for once since I'd been with the demon. I got up, walking to the mirror connected to the dull dresser. My eyes widened at my vivid reflection, and I couldn't breathe. Blue eyes were now even lighter, my ombred hair gone, now replaced with long dirty blonde hair. It'd been my natural color. Lips now naturally a deep red and as I opened my mouth, I winced. Sharp fangs poking at my gums.My body was more taller, and I was a bit more thinner, just a bit. My skin that was once the slightest tan was now painfully pale. My hip bones petruded, and I finally felt beautiful. Well, other than my now abnormally pale skin. I was beautiful. I was finally the size I wanted to be, the height, my eyes were finally ocean pacific, and my lips were tinted naturally. I felt anger suddenly hit me, realizing  The reason why I'd looked so different. I had died. I was the living dead.. I was a vampire.  Harry.

I rushed down the stairs, stumbling half way as I hit vampire speed, something I definitely wasn't ready for. I heard voices flutter through a room, and I automatically recognized one as my mate. My demon. My creature of the night. "When is she going to wake up? My god, I miss her. I wish I wouldn't have cracked. I hurt my beautiful angel. I wounded my beautiful angel.." Harry was talking to himself. I could zone on on a conversation, and it felt so weird. I didn't bother with the other boys, my anger needing to be let free. I half stumbled into the room, every ones eyes locking with my own. They all shared a gasp; a gasp of relief, and also one of surprise. "P-Paige." he got up from his seat, walking towards me clumsily. "Don't fucking touch me." "W-what?" "You did this! You hurt me! You ruined me! You fucking did this!" I yelled, and suddenly, a glass flew off the table. All of our eyes drifted to the cup and I thought for a moment. Did my anger cause that? Harry sat unamused after just a moment. attention automatically drifting to me. "Baby, I'm s-" "Don't baby me. Fuck you!" This new 'vampire' side of me was fucking fierce. I felt nothing like old Paige.  "CALM DOWN." He now yelled also infuriated. My anger pushed, and I felt my own eyes oranging. A chair suddenly flipped, and I now new it was me doing it, without even thinking it. I already knew my power.



HEY! So yeh, she's a vampire now. I kinda wanted to get it out of the way.






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