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A sigh left my lips as we arrived back at my apartment, Harry told me to wait for him as he went and got my things. I leaned against his large black car, not even bothering to escape. The lesson had been learned. I cringed a bit, shaking my head as he appeared, carrying everything as if it weighed nothing. "Mind opening the door, babe?" He asked sweetly. I nodded, kicking myself of the car and pulling the silver handle of the back seat open. He smiled at me, setting everything in before shutting the door and opening mine. "Get in, love. The boys are getting ancy to eat." He didn't hint around what he meant, but I knew I didn't want to know what was on their personal menu. I hopped up, letting a small growl escape my lips as he grabbed my bum, trying to help. He chuckled, removing his hands, "Sorry, sorry." He said, a smirk in full effect among his full pink, plump lips. They looked so kissable. Woah. I did NOT just think that. Nope. He grabbed my hand, making flinch a bit like usual. I didn't pull away though, aware of how he really didn't appreciate that.

After a long ride, surprisingly full of nice conversation, we got back. I got out of the black SUV, surprisingly not surprised as Harry wrapped his huge, calloused hand into mine. I actually kind of like the way this felt. My tiny one fit comfortably and perfectly in his. I'm quite positive my hand wasn't even visible to other people. He entered the house not even bothering with the keys like last night, after walking inside he closed it, making sure to lock it. "We'll move your stuff in later." He said as he shuffled around taking off his jacket he had grabbed quickly before we left. I nodded, moving to the living room. "HAROLD! We need to feed, like now. Paige is even on my menu at the moment." Zayn hissed as he passed me in the living room, not looking at me as he strutted into the hall where Harry still remained. "That is not something you ever talk about, Zayn." Harry said sternly, obviously extremely upset on what the golden eyed boy had said.  "Sorry." He muttered.

Harry entered the living room, already giving me a stern look. He lifted me up, sitting under me before resting me on his lap. "Now. We are going to hunt. You are going to be alone, if you leave you will get even harsher punishment then usual, baby. You know how much I love you, and would hate to have to punish you. We'll only be gone for a bit. Everything will be easier for you after the marking, I swear." He whispered into my ear, his hot breath washing over me and down my neck. I nodded, unable to make words. "Alrighty then," He said, sitting me beside him on the couch before standing up and calling the boys who hurriedly rushed down the steps. He winked at me before they left, and I heard that signiture click of the lock.


I sighed as I watched another episode of Teen Wolf. It was more then surprising to me that I actually missed him. Why was I already attached to him? After all he's done to me? Is it this mate thing he had told me about? The click of the lock was heard, a small smile forming on my face as they entered. "Paige!" Harry exclaimed, running to me and picking me up, holding me close. "Harry, you were only gone for like three hours," I laughed, but I honestly missed him too. That was so hard for me to admit. "Still. I missed you beyond belief." He smiled, finally setting me down, but keeping me close, keeping me on the highest of my tip-toes and I was still just up to his mouth. "How about we get some food for my princess, yeah?" I nodded, following him into the kitchen. "What would you like?" "Pizza rolls?" He chuckled, nodding his head. "If you want."


"So I was thinking," Harry started as we were now laid in bed, his arm already holding me close as he whispered into my ear, "Why not get this marking deal out of the way, so you can feel some proper feelings?" I frowned lightly, turning to face him. "How do you mark?" "It'd be easier to show you." He replied lowly." "Ok." I whispered, surprising myself. I don't know why I did that.

He smiled reassuringly at me, sitting on me so he was cradling me. "This will only hurt for a second." He muttered, placing kisses on my collar bone. It was different from being punished, he was being passionate. I don't know why I was letting him mark me on the second day, I guess he just seemed pretty sure about all this. I hissed as his teeth grazed just below my ear, hitting my soft spot. He bit into it, making me shriek. He held me down, reminders of the first time he'd bitten me seeping through my mind, making me realize this is quite similar eto what we had done earlier. He finally stopped, it was so much longer than the last time. flopping beside me, I glared at him. "That was just like punishment!" I mumbled angrily, raising my hand to where his fangs had pierced and winced, "You'll know the difference soon." He smirked, pulling me back to him. "Sleep." He ordered.

~**~ Harry's P.O.V.~**~

Her deep breaths sounded and I knew she'd fell asleep. I gently pushed the hair off her shoulder, smirking at the large mark I'd created. She'd start feeling escalated feelings towards me tomorrow! I smiled to myself, laying back down. Paige was officially all mine.   No one else would ever have her, noone can steal her from me, no one will ever find a way to take her away. I'll always find her. No matter what.


HEYY! So I was super surprised that I had 6 votes and 2 comments! I FANGIRLED! Sorry this chapter sucks, it's a filler and I was rushed. :P


-Jayde! .x

You're Mine. //Harry Styles; Vampire//Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu