Chapter Three

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Today was a new day. I felt sore as I got out of bed this morning. I still had that funny feeling, it had grown even stronger.

I wonder who it relates to, if it is relating to a specific person. I swear if it's nobody I know then I will be annoyed. The feeling, it's like it wants me to protect someone but I don't know who.

It was in my gut and it was slightly painful. As it got stronger, the pain level increased. Should I tell my Father? No, he wouldn't help.

What about Flynn? Yeah, he could, maybe.

Anyway, I was at a bus stop, waiting for my ride of transport to arrive. I wasn't going to be late today which was a good thing because we had English all day. That means Mr Lee all day . . .

Great, just great.

When the bus arrived, I hopped on and paid for my ticket. Then I turned and froze. The bus was crowded and the only seat left was the one next to Astrid.

Even better!

I groaned, making my way over and sitting down. I moved away to put as much space as possible between us. I placed my bag in my lap as I stared at my phone.

Of course it had to the only seat next to Astrid. Of all people it could have been, it was Astrid. As long as she didn't speak, I'll be fine.

I gasped silently as excruciating pain ran across my stomach. It was like someone was burning me, like somebody was stabbing me repeatingly.

I was drawn to her. The pain unexpectedly stopped and I sat up. I placed my arm over my stomach. The feeling was still there but the pain had dispersed.

Wait, does this mean I have to protect her? How the heck am I supposed to do that? I mean, I'm a weak, short, scrawny boy. I'm not strong enough to protect her. She could protect herself better than I could protect her.

The bus stopped abruptly and I was lurched foward, my head hitting the seat in front of me. When I looked up, everyone was hurrying to get out of the bus. I decided to wait as I did not want to get pushed around.

Once everyone was finally out, I shouldered my bag as I left the vehicle, Astrid not far behind me.

I saw Flynn leaning against a tree, his arms crossed over his chest. I went over, mimicking his body language. I watched as Astrid ran into the school. The burning sensation returned and I was in pain throughout the whole day.
It didn't help that I got bullied, as usual. I had a new bruise on my arm to add to my collection. This time I was teased about having no mother. I have got one, it's just she disappeared a few days after I was born.

The students at my school thought this was hilarious thanks to Scott.

"Come on, Harry." I followed Flynn inside. We headed to the cafeteria to get some food. Once we had sat at our table, I glanced over my shoulder to see Astrid sat with Scott and the Twins. Scott had his arm around her shoulders but she didn't look happy.

I wonder what was wrong. I mean, she's always happy. Unless Scott has annoyed her or something. I would ask her but I've been too nervous. Ever since she left me for the others, I had never been able to talk to her.

It didn't help that my Father wasn't very supportive at the time. He never has been. I don't know why Astrid ditched me, I never intended to ask her.

The bell snapped me out of my thoughts. I said bye to Flynn and ran to my English class. Somebody shoved me and I tripped, my bag flying across the hall. I scrambled to my feet and tried to retrieve it.

But as soon as I got close, everyone kicked it away. I managed to grab it just in time before sprinting down the hall.

I gasped as I entered my class. Luckily Mr Lee wasn't here yet, otherwise I would've got in trouble.

I quickly ran my eyes over the classroom and I realised that he had changed all of our seats. I used to be at the front whereas now, I was at the back, sharing a desk with Astrid. Astrid.

You've got to be kidding me! I can't sit next to her! This has to be a joke.

I heard the classroom door slam shut. I saw Mr Lee storm over to his desk. He shouted at a random student before sitting at his desk.

About 10 minutes later of doing nothing, the class door opened to reveal . . . Astrid? I glanced beside me and realised that no one was there.

Mr Lee paused abruptly, glaring daggers at Astrid. "Miss Hofferson, how nice of you to join us."

"Whatever," I heard Astrid mumble as she approached my desk. She slumped down in her seat, crossing her arms.

"What was that?" Mr Lee called.

"Nothing, Sir." Astrid replied flatly. God, what's wrong with her?

"For being late, you'll be receiving detention. You will stay with me for an hour. You too, Haddock." Yay . . .

Astrid shot to her feet. "Sir! That's not fair! I can't have a detention, I have to go straight home!"

"That's enough!" Mr Lee shouted. "I suggest you sit down if you don't want me to suspend you."

"Ugh," Astrid groaned, obliging to Mr Lee's orders.

"Watch that attitude, Miss Hofferson. Class, today we will - "

I zoned Mr Lee out as I stared at Astrid. I noticed her cheeks were bright red. When we were younger, her cheeks went red after she had been crying . . .

I opened my mouth to say something. Astrid glared sideways at me, my mouth closing.

Throughout the whole day in English, she didn't do any work. She made rude gestures at Mr Lee when he wasn't looking.

After 6 long hours that felt like a day, the lesson finally finished. Everyone, except Astrid and I, packed their stuff and left the classroom.

"So," I said, "are we just gonna sit here or what?"

"Yes," Mr Lee answered, staring at us. "You will be allowed to leave in one hour, and do get along." He left, closing the door behind him.

I sighed, standing and moving to the seat furthest away from Astrid. I couldn't deal with her, not today.


Astrid spoke. She spoke to me. After what, 2 years? Great. God knows how this will turn out . . .

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