Chapter 3:

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After dinner you and Dan went back to your room.

"So, what type of things are you into?" Dan asks, lying on his bed whilst scrolling through Twitter.

"Well I love YouTube, Muse and Doctor Who" you laugh as you realise how much of a nerd you are.

"Same! I love that stuff" he replies as he sits up on the bed.

"Any favourite YouTubers?" You ask curiously.

"Well I don't usually have favourites but that AmazingPhil guy is pretty cool" he smiles.

For the next four hours you and Dan watch YouTube and laugh at your old MySpace page.

It was 2 am now and you had just fallen fast asleep. Dan gently takes his laptop off your lap and covers you with a blanket.

The next morning you hear a loud bell ringing. You check your phone and realise what time it is. Monday, 20th of January, 8:47am. School.

You quickly get out of your bed and look for an outfit. You get dressed and do your hair messily.

You look over at Dan's bed and see he's still sound asleep. His hair all messy but yet still so cute.

"Dan, Dan wake up!" You yell as he sleepily opens his eyes. "We have school today, unfortunately".

"Ok, ok I'm up" he says, not in the slightest bit worried that he was going to be late.

When you and Dan were eventually ready to leave you both run to school and luckily for you both it was extremely close.

At lunch you and Dan sat together as you both had no friends and frankly didn't want to be friends with the idiots at this school.

"Oh look! It's the gay boy with no parents! Oh and what's this? Another one?" Laughs one of the popular guys.

"Just fuck off Ben" Dan says awkwardly.

"Oo I'm scared now. Come on boys lets go before they disease us" He remarks again.

"What the fuck was that about?" You ask as anger came over you.

"Nothing. Just never mind him" Dan replies looking sad and angry at the same time. You decide not to ask any further questions for now.

Lost causes - Dan Howell x readerWhere stories live. Discover now