chapter 5:

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You look at Dan in shock after him telling you that his now enemy was once his bestfriend.

"When I first went into secondary school (high school) I didn't have any friends, neither did Ben. So naturally we became friends. Then two years later my parents died and I was forced into the orphanage. After that he started not being my friend but instead my enemy. He'd bully me and turn everyone against me" He explained looking kind of sad.

He sat down on my bed next to me. Everything fell silent. You felt so sorry for him, you nearly cried. You hug him, still silent. As you release he stands up and grabs his laptop.

"Doctor who marathon to keep our minds off of this soppy shit? He chuckles.

"Sure!" You reply, happy that he can now forget about it for a while.



It was 7am and your alarm clock was going off. Another day of the nightmare that is school.

You sit up and realise you should probably consider getting out of bed.
You stand up and pick out your outfit.

As usual, Dan wasn't awake.
"Dan wake the fuck up, it's a new day! Are you gonna get up or are you gonna stay in bed like a loser?" You laugh as you grab your phone and backpack.

"I'll meet you downstairs!" You chirp and smile as you walk out the door.

About fifteen minutes later you see a very sleepy Dan walking into the lobby.

"Ready to go?" You ask happily even though you were about to go to school.

"Ready as I'll ever be" he replies as you both start walking to school, talking and laughing as you get to know each other more and more.

A/N: sorry it's so short but thanks for nearly 30 reads!

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