Chapter 12:

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Sometimes you'd worry about Dan. He'd go days without talking to you properly but then you thought you were just over reacting so you'd just ignore it most of the time. Then there were times he couldn't go a minute without seeing you.

As you and Dan walked out of the aeroplane the warm California sun hit your skin and you smiled to your self. You loved California and coming to vidcon every year. You'd meet your YouTube friends and it was nearly always sunny.

As you walked into the hotel room you left down your suitcases. You walk over to the King-sized bed and plop yourself down on it and smile. Soon after, Dan does the exact same thing. You rest your head on his shoulder.

"Dan" you say.

"Yeah?" He replies quickly, sounding a bit concerned now.

"Well this is gonna sound stupid.. but... Do you still love me?" You ask, now looking at his big brown eyes.

"(Y/N)! What makes you say that? I love you and I always will" He says, as he places his hands on your shoulders.

You smile weakly and kiss him.

After a while you and Dan went down stairs to get food when you spotted Louise talking to Zoe and some other guy. He was as tall, if not taller than Dan and had black hair that sweeps across his forehead.

Louise turns around and sees you and instantly calls you both over with excitement in her eyes.

"(Y/N)! Haven't seen you in forever!" She says as she hugs you.

"Hey I'm Phil!" Says the guy holding out his hand. The name seemed familiar to you and then you realised who it was. It was AmazingPhil. You and Dan loved to watch his videos together. They name you both so happy.

"Hi I'm (Y/N)!" You reply shaking his hand.

A couple of hours of talking and laughing had past and you Dan and Phil were in Phil's hotel room playing cards against humanity when Phil got a text message.

"Oh guys I hope you don't mind, my girlfriend is coming up" he announces .

"Ok cool!" Dan relies and continues looking for a card.

"Phil had a girlfriend? Who was it? Was she a YouTuber?" You thought to yourself.

A/N: First of all, I know Dan met Phil before he started YouTube. Just remember this is a STORY. Second, what did you think of the chapter? Also if you have any suggestions on what should happen leave it on the comments!

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