Chapter 15:

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As you boarded the plane to go home you start to regret what you had done. Maybe you should've listened to Dan. Maybe you came to a conclusion too fast. It was too late now you were already on a plane to London.

As you sat on the uncomfortable plane seat you could feel a small tear trickle down your face and drop onto your jeans. You realised Dan would be home in a couple of days. Then you could give him a chance. That thought made you feel a little bit better and you were able to sleep most of the plane journey home.

You walked into the freezing cold house and left your bags down in the middle of the hall way. You realise how lonely it was as you walked into the extremely quiet kitchen. All you could do was go straight up to bed and think about what you were gonna say to Dan.

It was a few days later and your friends were already blowing up your phone with tweets and text messages asking if you were ok.

You knew Dan would be coming home today. You were nervous. You nervous incase he really did cheat on you with Cat. Maybe he really didn't love you anymore.

It was around 1pm and you heard someone come through the front door. You immediately knew it was Dan. You didn't go downstairs, you stayed sitting on your bed until he found you.

"(Y/N)? (Y/N) where are you!?" He yells, dropping his bags on the ground and runs frantically around the house.

"I'm here" you reply very quietly.

You hear him run up the stairs to your bedroom. As he opens the door you saw the look of worry on his face.

"(Y/N), please listen" he says crying a little.

He sits beside you and you could see his tear filled eyes.

"(Y/N), It's not what it looked like. This is what happened..."

A/N: Ooo cliff hanger. Next chapter tomorrow!

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