Chapter 16:

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You stared into Dan's deep brown eyes and feared what he might say. You sat up quickly and your faces were inches apart. What if he just cheated on you and Thera was no real explanation. He might not love you anymore. Though you were scared you had to know the truth.

"Cat was jealous. Jealous of you" he said with a look of worry on his face and was waiting for your reaction.

"Why was she jealous of me?" You ask obliviously.

"Because me and you are together" he says,now holding your hands and looking down.

"So she brought me out into the hall. She asked me if I wanted to go back to her hotel room and obviously I said no. She got mad at me and forced me against the wall and was kissing me. Then you walked out and saw us. I know it's hard to believe but it's true. I love you (Y/N), and I always will." He admits as he comes closer to you.

You say nothing. Total silence until you lean forward and your lips meet his.

"I love you too Dan" You reply as the kiss breaks.

You and Dan lay there in your bed for hours talking and laughing until you both fall fast asleep in each others arms in total bliss.

Deep down in your heart you knew Dan would never cheat on you. You both loved each other too much for that. Right?

A/N: first of all I am very sorry this is extremely short I have writers block right now but leave your thoughts in the comments!

Lost causes - Dan Howell x readerDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora