Chapter 9:

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January, 10th, 2016.

3 a.m. . You were lying in your cold, uncomfortable bed staring at the wall beside you. Never had you been so nervous in your life. Though you loved Dan and felt you could tell him anything, this was different.

You had to tell him, before he goes and forgets about you. You'd never loved anyone like this before. Obviously you'd had small crushes on boys at your school when you were younger, but nothing like this.

"What the heck am I gonna say?" You think to yourself. "Oh hi Dan I kinda love you" you think, sarcastically.

This was what you did all night long. Staring at the ceiling and worrying about the day you were about to face.


It was Dan's birthday day. You woke up at 6am to get everything ready. Once you had some of the decorations up in the dining room of the orphanage, you called Rose.

The plan was, Rose would come to the orphanage and tell Dan she had to go the mall, which luckily was about an hour drive away, and say she didn't want to go alone.

Whilst this was happening you would get dressed and get everyone in the orphanage to help you with the decorations and make the cake.

When Dan and Rose got home you would take dan to that place beside the sea and rose would be back at the orphanage.

It would be a lot of work but you were prepared to do it for Dan.

"Hey Rose, we're ready" you whisper to Rose on the phone.

"Be there in 5 minutes!" She replies and you both hang up.

So this is the day you tell Dan.

You hoped so much he liked you back. Imagine how heart breaking it would be if he didn't. It wouldn't ruin your relationship, but it would be quite awkward.

You wait at the front door for Rose to arrive, not realising you were still in your pyjamas. You saw Roses read mini pull up and she rushed to the front door.

"You ready?" You ask shaking and biting your nails.

"Yup, but the real question is are you ready?" She asks looking into my eyes in seriousness.

You didn't want to say it to her but you felt as if your whole body was about to collapse under the pressure. You knew that it was best for Dan to know how you feel but it's easier said than done.

The time was around 12pm and Rose and Dan had set off. Dan, of course, wasn't really happy about going to watch a girl shop for a few hours but he was too polite to say no.

You started to get dressed. You had picked out your outfit the week before because of your excitement.

It was a blue dress with black lace on the sleeves and a black leather jacket to match.

You now had only a few hours to bake a cake and decorate before they got back.

A/N: so I tried to make this chapter a little bit longer but anyway I just wanted to say thank you for the positive feedback! Positive or not-so positive, leave your thoughts in the comments.

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