Chapter 8:

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A few months pasted and you and Dan got to know each other more and more. You were best friends now but you think you like him a bit more than that.

Also you, Dan and Rose became best friends over time. Ben wasn't bothering you as much and everything was fine, or was it?
June 1st 2016.

It was Friday evening and you and Rose were planing Dan's surprise party. His birthday was on the 11th so you only had so much time. It was quite a coincide because your birthday was a few days after. It was like you were meant for each other.

What you didn't realise about Dan turning eighteen was that he'd have to move out of the orphanage. It was almost like it was at the back of your mind but you just didn't want to think about it.

You feared when he'd move out that would be it. That he'd move on and forget about that one girl he was friends with in an orphanage. The thought scared you so much, especially now you had feelings for him.

You planned on telling Dan how you felt but it'd just be awkward especially if he didn't like you back.

You had told Rose that you had feelings for him and She said she already knew. She said it's obvious that you guys have feelings for one another. You were too insecure to believe that though.

"So, what are we doing for Dan's party?" She asks, taking out her phone and opening the 'notes' app.

"Ok so I was thinking, I could take him to that place beside the sea to hang out whilst you get everything ready back at the orphanage" You say, waiting for the nod of reassurance.

"Ok cool but promise me one thing" .

"And what's that?" You laugh as you write the plans down in your note book.

"I want you to tell Dan how you feel when you take him to the place on the seaside" she says as I look at her in slight fear.

"Rose, I don't know.. I mean I don't think...".

"You're doing it and that's final. If you don't, I'll tell him for you" she smiles.

"Okok I'll try" you chuckle as you keep planning the party.

A/N: sorry for the time jump I know some people don't like that but I just wanted to say thank you so much for nearly 70 reads!

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