Chapter 7:

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A/N: so I'm sorry that the story is kinda boring as of right now but I promise It gets better.

You, Dan and Rose sat together all through both lunch breaks and actually
found you all had a lot in common. You still never figured out how she stopped Ben with only simple words.

There was no need to inform Rose that you and Dan were orphans because the entire school knew already, thanks to Ben but it kinda made it easier not having to tell someone nearly your whole life story.

After school you and Dan just couldn't face going back to that dreary, depressing orphanage so Dan said he knew of a place that he goes to when he doesn't want to go back there so you just followed him.

You didn't really know why you trusted Dan so much. You had only just met him like a week ago. There was just something about him that made you feel ok.

"Here we are!" He announced,smiling and waiting for your reaction.

It was a place near the seaside. There were big walls all around you covered in beautiful graffiti. You could still see the sea in the opening of the wall. Though graffiti was considered rebellious you thought that most of it was creative and obviously, so did Dan.

"Dan, it's beautiful!" You exclaimed as you turn around and look at the beautiful art all around you.

"I come here to watch the sunset sometimes when I don't feel like going back to the orphanage" he admits, still overjoyed at your excitement.

"Well come on! Let's sit down and watch the sunset then" you say and sit down on the ground facing the seaside.

You and Dan stayed there as late as you could but it started to get dark and you both decided that it was probably best to get back.

When you get to your room your both wrecked from the school day and fall fast asleep.

Lost causes - Dan Howell x readerOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant