Chapter 14:

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It had been about a minute and Dan and Cat were still gone. You wanted to see what was going on so you pretended to your friends you had to go to the bathroom.

You got out of your seat and walk towards the door. As you walked out you saw the one thing you were fearing the most.

Dan was pushed against the wall and Cat making out with him.

How the fuck could Dan do this? He had a pregnant girlfriend for god sake.

"What the fuck Dan!" You yell with tears filling your eyes.

"Oh my god, (Y/N) it's not what it looks like!" Dan yells back pushing Cat off of him.

"Save it Dan. How could you do that to your pregnant girlfriend? You must be really fucking sick" you reply, tears now running down your cheeks.

"(Y/N)!" Dan yells as you storm out of the restaurant.

You just kept walking and walking along the beach. You couldn't go back to the hotel, Dan would be there soon. You only had your purse and your phone.

You eventually sat on the sand and cried. Just thinking about what you could've done wrong.

You say thee for a good two and your phone was blowing up with notifications for Dan and all of your friends. You couldn't open them.

You decided the only thing you could do was go back to the hotel and get your stuff and go home.

When you got to the hotel room door you realised you didn't have the key so you knocked. Almost instantly Dan opened the door. His eyes were red from crying.

"(Y/N), Please let me explain" he says still crying.

"Dan I'm here to get my stuff and leave. End of story." You say shoving your way through the door.

"(Y/N), please just give me a second" he asks desperately.

"There's nothing to explain Dan. I saw what happened" you reply quickly as a tear trickles down your face and you gather your suitcase.

"Now, I'm going home" you announce as you turn to face him.

A/N: soooo what did you think of that? I'm very sorry it's short.

Lost causes - Dan Howell x readerNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ