Making a run for it

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I woke up to the stupid sun shining right in my face in the lounge room. Today was the day I was finally going to run from the madness that is my life.

These stupid people can't even give me a bed to sleep on, all I've had for the past two years is a dirty, uncomfortable couch. I know foster parents only do it for the money but I don't get how social services can give these people four kids without questioning it.

"Jesse! Get the hell up and clean this house", the crazy drunk Phil yelled.

Ha house they call it, more like a dump. It would be impossible to clean this shit hole. All these people make me do is serve them, I cook, clean and look after the other kids. I'm sixteen, I'm not supposed to be responsible for a thirteen-year-old girl, an eleven-year-old boy as well as a two-year-old.

Besides the assholes, I still have to act normal if I'm gonna make a run for it so I get up and feed everyone breakfast. I wait until the morons leave the room before I grab myself some fruit to eat as breakfast and start feeding Henry.

"Hey, Jesse do you ever think our parents will ever come and get us?" Felix asked me, still trying to be hopeful even though he doesn't know his mum died and his dad has been gone ever since.

"I hope so buddy, but we just have to be hopeful that we can get a better home for now. You want a permanent home don't you?"

"Yeah but I just wish our real parents came back." Poor kid, I hope he gets adopted even though kids older than 3 don't usually have a great chance. I'm worried that Shay, Felix, and Henry are going to get treated worse when I leave, I mean it's bad enough that they are going to put all the responsibility on Shay when they realise I've left.


Shay, Felix and I head out the door since I have to take them both to school. We take Felix to the bus stop since it goes straight to his school and I give him a quick hug goodbye and tell him to be good, he gives me a weird look though. He steps on the bus and waves bye to me and Shay as we start walking to our school which is about a 15-minute walk.

"Hey, Jesse why have you been so quiet this morning?" She asks me. Dammit, I tried not to make it obvious, though I should've known Shay would've figured it out, she has always been smart.

"Shay, I'm really sorry but I have to make a run for it."

"Wait what?! You're just gonna leave us with them?"

"For now but I will come back for you, but in the meantime, you need to look after Felix and Henry, ok?"

"Alright Jesse, but please come back."

"I will I promise and if anything bad happens call this number okay?" I say handing her the number to the phone I bought yesterday purely for this reason.

I quickly hug her goodbye and head to the front office of the school handing them a note I forged, saying I won't be at school for two days due to medical reasons just so they won't call the devils straight away. I hand it to the lady and fake cough saying I had to go because my "dad" was waiting in the car. She didn't even think twice before replying.

"Hope you get better soon hun". I gave her a smile and walked quickly and quietly away, hoping not to run into one of my friends.

I run out of the school just to run straight into Jason.

"Hey man, why are you running?"

"Can't talk Jason I have to get out of town, I told you I wanted to get out of here and I'm kind of doing it right now so here take my number and call me tomorrow, okay?"

"Okay b-".

"See ya, Jason!" I yelled before he could say anything else and started to run again towards to bus and I don't turn back, not for a second. Jason was one of my only friends since I didn't really want to get close to anyone because of my certain 'anger issues'.

I packed everything I need last night, money, photos, clothes and the note my mum gave me telling me I was a wolf.  When I first read it I thought she was a total loon, but that was before I shifted on the night of my sixteenth birthday, that was the worst night of my life but I'm lucky I decided to go for a walk that night.

I walk outside since I'm scared I'll do something I might regret, they just make me so furious I mean they make me do everything for them! This was officially the worst birthday ever! I decide to just wander around, just go wherever my legs take me but I suddenly stop because my chest feels on fire. I rush over to the tree by the path and just sit for a moment and relax until I feel a few bones crack and I hiss in pain, after that all I remember is hearing a voice say my name and then I dizzily start to blackout.

I wake up probably a few minutes later to a paw in front of my face, wait,  that's my paw?  What the hell? I get up and look in a nearby puddle, okay that's completely normal I'm a wolf!

*end of flashback*

I had to sneak out all the time at night to go for runs otherwise my wolf would get angry and always want to rip my foster parents' heads off.

I continue running until I reach the bus stop and take the bus five towns over to a place called Lake Valley, it doesn't look like a bad place I mean I can probably find an affordable motel, a public school, and a decent job. I walk over to a burger place and eat a really big meal so I don't have to worry about dinner later. The waitress keeps looking at me weirdly and I have no idea why. She kind of looks scared as well and that makes me scared for some reason. She looks maybe in her early twenties and she starts walking towards me.

"Are you from around here?" She stutters.

"No, I just got here today".

"Well you shouldn't be here," she said that and before I could reply she ran off so I just walked out to continue my search for somewhere to stay.

I walk around town until I realise something that I should've realised when the waitress said I shouldn't be here. I'm in a packs territory. My mum wrote about all the basics on wolves in the note I have, I guess she knew she was going to die. I was about to head back to the bus stop to get out of here before I get caught and that's when a hand grabbed my shoulder and pulls me back.

"What the hell".

"What are you doing in our territory rogue!" The tall guy who grabbed me spat.

"Who cares what he's doing here let's just take him to Beta Peter, he will deal with him". Another really tall guy next to him said.

"Alright, move it runt, and why are you alone anyway your still in high school." I just replied with a simple shrug as they shoved me in a car.

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