See ya later

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After my run I ended up jumping through my window to avoid everyone, I didn't want anyone's sympathy or to have another fight, or worse be questioned by Evan. He is a stranger to me, I won't let him parent me, he is lucky I'm even staying. I'm only staying for my mothers' memory, this is my rightful pack. 

I look at my phone and it's almost midnight. Sierra. I put on my jacket and shoes and open the window carefully trying not to wake Justin. I jump out and run to the backyard to see her sitting next to a tree about 100 metres from the house. I jog towards her and her eyes catch mine when I reach her and sit across from her leaning against another tree. 

"Hey", I finally say after staring at her green eyes.

"Hey", she whispered looking up at my eyes with a straight face.

"I didn't think you would show after my fight with Derek".

"Why's that?"

"Well, you are my mate and I'm not the no show type."

"You didn't tell him we're mates did you?"

"Of course not, he would kill you."

"He would try," I stated giving her a small smirk. "Both of my parents were alphas."

"Really? That's rare. There aren't many alphas mated directly to an alphas daughter."

"Yeah, my uncle said there aren't any at the moment, like alphas born from two alpha families, well besides me."

"But that means you're stronger than Derek, and even your father." She said with a slightly shocked expression.

"I think that's why Evan is making Derek and I compete for the alpha title." 

"And because you are his first born son, it's rightfully yours and I think even Derek knows that." She sighed shaking her head.

"I don't think he cares though, he wants to be alpha. Why are you with him anyway?"

"Neither Derek or I had found our mates yet and if we never did, our fathers wanted us to get married to have a child from two alpha families. A strong alpha."

"Do you like being with him?"

"It isn't bad, he is kind to me, I don't like how stubborn and rude he is and how mean he is to Kyle. I always feel sorry for him. Derek's mother is very controlling and she gives him everything. He is spoilt."

 "What are you going to do now that you've found me?"

"I thought that's what we were going to figure out now, I want to be with you but are you sure you want Derek to be even madder at you? I don't want to make anything harder for you." She sighed looking at the ground. I stood up and grabbed he hands helping her up too, sending shocks through my arms.

"It will be hard but you're my mate and I can't stand seeing you with him, I'm sure our fathers won't mind either." I finally replied looking right into her eyes and stepping closer to her. 

"Well what now?" She asked smiling at me and taking another step towards me and without warning I smashed my lips on hers.


I woke up by a pillow being thrown at my face.

"Justin! What was that for?"

"Breakfast time," he smirked licking his lips and rubbing his hands together. "Let's go."

"I don't want to, I'll end up throwing a punch in Derek's direction," I spoke, getting up from my bed and chucking a shirt on.

"Yeah, but your little girly friend will be there," he teased as I froze staring at him.

"Who?" I asked, wondering how he knew.

"Sierra, ya know your brother's girlfriend."

"How do you know about that," I shouted in a whisper.

"I saw you jump out the window last night and I followed you, listening to a part of your conversation, werewolf hearing and all," he smirked quite proud of himself.

"You absolutely cannot tell anyone we're mates Justin!"

"I won't, I won't relax, but you have to come down for breakfast."

"Fine I'm coming." I said pushing him through the door. We walked down the stairs and into the dining room making all eyes turn to us, whoops. We must be late.

I sat down with Justin next to my uncle and everyone went back to eating. I could feel Derek's eyes plastered to me but I didn't look up at me. He finished his breakfast a lot faster than anyone else and stood up.

"C'mon Sierra," he spoke lowly, looking down at her. She looked up at him then briefly at me quickly turning back to her food.

"I'm not finished, I'll come up later." He just looked at her frowning and then turned around and went up the stairs.

Her eyes connected with mine again as my father started to speak, "So Jesse, since this area is werewolf dominant and there aren't many humans the schools here also teach the werewolf ways of living and they have fighting classes. Next semester you'll go to the same school as Derek and Kyle." I nodded towards him and he smiled at me. "Oh and everyday you will train with me, even when school starts."

"I can show you around school next semester," Sierra said making everyone turn to her.

"I'd like to see how Derek reacts to that," Kyle snickered. My father turned to him and gave him a serious look.

"That's nice of you Sierra, hopefully Derek is used to the idea of competing for the title against Jesse by then."

"I'm not worried if he doesn't like me," I turned to Evan.

"As you shouldn't, but if he starts fights with you he will be answering to me, same for you."

"Don't worry, he couldn't hurt Jesse if he tried," Kyle snickered again, "but I could, better watch your back brother." I smiled back at him and started laughing and everyone went back to eating.


After breakfast I saw Sierra go upstairs towards Derek's room as I went to say goodbye to everyone going back to the Redley Pack. I said my goodbyes to both Hayley and Dakota and gave them both hugs. I then said goodbye to Peter and my uncle thanking them both with them replying that I could come back anytime. They all headed into the car and I said goodbye to Justin.

"When I get back my dad said he is giving me the title since I've found my luna," he said with a massive smile on his face looking over to the blonde girl waiting in the car.

"That's great bro," I said giving him a sad smile.

"Since I'm going to be alpha, any help you need and I'll be there, okay?"

"Thanks Justin, and likewise. If you need any help with rogues I'll be right there fighting by your side." He gave me a hug and got in his car driving off leaving me standing alone in the drive way. I turned back to the house to see Derek storm out the door without seeing me and change into his wolf running into the woods.

 She must've told him.



Pretty short and uneventful chapter but it will get better soon. Please vote and comment and just letting people know I'm Australian so some spelling might be different and possibly school times. Thanks :) 

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