Fitting in perfectly

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I've been sitting outside his office for about 15 minutes before Derek stormed out and Kyle wanders out and over to me in the next room staring at me.

"You do look like me a bit, but you look a lot more like dad." He said with a smirk on his face.

"Yeah and we have the same hair." I reply smiling back at him noticing a bit more how he looks like me as well.

"So Derek is really mad." He chuckled but I couldn't really find the humour in it.

"Yeah, any advice?"

"You're just gonna want to avoid him for now. Oh and his girlfriend too."

"How will I know who his girlfriend is?"

"She has strong blood because she is an alpha's daughter from one of dad's friends pack."

"Oh okay thanks." So my brother has a strong mate. Doesn't that mean my father would want her to be Luna?

"Anyway Jesse I'm kind of glad I have another brother. Derek and I don't get along very well anymore cause he thinks he is better than everyone, but I should still probably leave before he kicks my ass for talking to you, bye." He said laughing.

"See ya Kyle and I'm glad I have one brother who actually likes me." I said returning a laugh as he started jogging up the stairs.

Not long after waiting a bit more Derek and Kyle's mum walk out crying and then glaring at me like this is my fault. Really it was her fault since she married someone who wasn't her mate but she probably just wants Derek to be the future alpha. My father came out and told me to come back into his office. So I sit back down in the chair across from his.

"Jesse, Derek isn't happy but he will have to compete against you for the alpha title."

"And your wife, she didn't look happy either?"

"She is just upset because since she thinks Derek has been working hard for the title but really he just acts like it. He doesn't even train as hard as Kyle, and if it was okay I would've probably chosen to give the title to Kyle already." He said with a smirk on his face.

"Yeah I met him, he is about the only person who likes me in this pack."

"Don't worry Jesse, you will make new friends and once I announce that you're my son I'm sure they will all love you."

"I hope you're right." I said leaving the room to find the others as he smiled at me.


I find them all still in the lounge room watching a movie but as soon as I step in Hayley pauses it.

"Alpha Tyson told us you're staying". Dakota said frowning.

"Yeah I have to since Evan wants me to compete against Derek for the alpha title." I reply shrugging.

"But you have only been with us for a few weeks, we don't want you to leave." Hayley replied frowning with Dakota and Justin nodding along.

"Yeah I mean you're my cousin man, one for that matter I didn't even know existed. I want you to stay with us." He pleaded which is ironic knowing how our relationship started.

"I know, but this could be my future pack you guys know I have to stay and trust me when I say I would rather come back with you guys."

"Then why don't you? Do you really care about the title?"

"No, but I want the title to honour my mother since she died because of me, I should be the alpha of the pack that was once ruled by her killer." I replied noticing that they weren't going to try and convince me anymore.

"Alright but you have to visit us all the time and we will come here sometimes." Justin said smiling as the girls nodded.

"Alright deal."


After watching a movie with Justin, Hayley and Dakota we decided to go for a walk around the pack's territory to check it out. We walked out the front door and towards where Tyson told us the town was.

We walked for about 10 minutes in a fairly busy town of mostly werewolves obviously all from my father's pack. I'm not going to lie it's a really big pack of a few thousand wolves. We are about to walk into a cafe before Justin stops us all of sudden.

"Do you guys smell that?" He asked looked crazy.

"Smell what Justin? What the hell are you talking about?" I ask a bit worried.

"I don't know it just smells amazing." He answered before freezing when he looked at a hot blonde girl who was smiling at him.

"You guys can go, I'll catch up with you later, I think I just found my mate." He said just up and leaving towards the girl leaving us standing there in shock.

"Well I guess we should just go get something to eat?" I suggested as the girls nodded.


"Finally we're back, I'm tired and I don't even know why. I'm just going to go to our room, Hayley and probably take a nap so tell me when Justin gets back." Dakota huffed actually looking pretty tired walking up the stairs to the spare bedrooms as Hayley and I go into the lounge room. I swear it's weird no one is ever in here.

I sit on the couch and Hayley sits right next to me unusually close.

"So what do your brothers look like?" She asked me.

"They both look like me except Kyle has green eyes and Derek has blonde hair."

"That's one good looking family." She said which is a little weird.

"Thanks." I reply laughing.

"You know what's weird Jesse? I never imagined Justin getting a mate before I did and it's going to be so different now." She huffed.

"I'm sure you'll find your mate soon Hayley."

"Yeah me too." She replied pausing. "I wish you were my mate Jesse." She whispered leaning her head on my shoulder.

"I hope I get a mate as good as you Hayley." I reply not knowing she had feelings for me like that. I was just about to stand up before she grabbed me and crashed her lips on mine.


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Thanks. :D

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