You don't want to do that

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I walk to my next class alone since Sierra left to hers in the opposite direction. Just as I'm about to step into the class two guys from Sierra's Pack push past me attempting to make me stumble but I don't let them I just continue walking towards the teacher, introduce myself a sit in the middle row next to a guy who has my packs scent.

"You're new", he says to me, "Nick." he says to me introducing himself.

"Jesse", I say back to him hoping he isn't one of Derek's friends.

"Aha, you must be the Jesse everyone's talking about, the alphas...well no offense but the alpha's bastard." He says with a small smirk.

"I'm not his bastard," I growl slightly feeling Jackson get angered. "My mother was Evan's mate and she died 2 weeks after I was born, my father didn't know about me until a few weeks ago. Derek is the bastard."

"Woah, seriously? That's pretty intense, I'm sorry the word around the school in different." He replies looking slightly guilty under his shocked expression.

"I've noticed, I'm sure Derek had something to do with that."

"Probably, you're brother scares me a little."

"Sounds like a lot of people are scared of him." I say back to him and he just nods along.

"Why does Derek even hate you?" Nick asks me looking curious.

"My father is making us compete for the title." I say softly which causes his eyes to widen.

"You're not serious, Derek has been training for years, he's a dick but he works hard, do you think you have a chance?"

"I know I do but you won't believe me if I tell you why."

"Try me."

"My mother was an alpha's daughter making my wolf naturally stronger than his even though I've had little training, Jackson is too powerful for my own liking sometimes, it took me weeks to be able to control him."

"No way! That's basically unheard of, there are only stories of someone being born from to complete alpha bloodlines. That's why Derek is going to end up with Thomas Jacobs' daughter Sierra if they don't find their mates."

"She broke up with him." I say with a straight face and before Nick could ask why the teacher started talking and she didn't stop until the end of class. I could tell Nick was at the edge of his seat the whole time so when the bell went to go to out next class he jumped at me.

"There is no way, your dad and Alpha Thomas arranged it, did she find her mate?!"

"She sure did," I whispered to him smirking.

"No F*cking Way!" Remind me to not get on your bad side, your definitely going to be my alpha"

"Don't speak so soon, our whole pack seems to hate me and Evan said that the whole pack has a part in deciding who their next alpha is."

"How long until it's decided?" He asks as we walk to my next class which I assume he also has since he follows me.

"I have no idea but I think my father wants us to be at least close to eighteen." I say shrugging as we walk into the classroom and I lock eyes with Derek. Nick and I sit down on the other side of the row Derek and his friends are and I just stare back at him. I eventually stop staring back at him when the teacher starts talking and he just tells us to do a few questions so Nick starts talking to me again.

"They're all looking at you Jesse."

"Don't worry I know, but I honestly don't care." I say just keeping my eyes on my paper.

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