The Alpha's Son

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Both the tall guys sat on either side of me squishing me to death and I could barely breathe. May as well find out where they are taking me and to who.

"So w-where are you taking me." I semi stutter.

"To the packhouse so Beta Peter can decide what to do with you."

"What the hell is a Beta?" Both the guys stared at me like I'm crazy, I know an Alpha is the leader, but that's really all my mum said about packs.

"He is the Alpha's second in command and since the Alpha is out of town you will have a little conversation with him."



We drive ten minutes through the woods until we finally get to this massive house, their lounge room is probably bigger than my whole foster home. The car drives all the way to the front and one of the guys drags me out by my shirt inside, past a massive staircase, and into a giant office where a tall blonde guy with grey eyes sits, signing papers.

"So Adrian, this is the kid you found, this is the rogue?" He asks looking up from the desk.

"Yes Beta Peter he was wandering around town, but he is a rogue."

"What's your name?" He asks me.

"Jesse," I reply with a short answer.

"Are you alone Jesse?"

"Yes, have been since I was a baby". I have technically because my mum was killed a few weeks after I was born and I was left at a police station with just an envelope with my name on it that had the note, they apparently found in my mum's bag.

"Well since you're alone, and look like a strong enough teenager you are going to be trained in our pack and become a warrior." I gave a slight nod as one of them led me out, and I faintly heard him whisper to the tall guy named Adrian.

"He has Alpha blood, I can feel the power radiating off him." He whispered not realising I was listening to what they were saying. It's impossible though, I can't have alpha blood, I'm pretty sure my mother didn't because why would she run if she was that powerful, and I don't who my father is but what are the chances right?

Adrian led me to a decent sized room, well, at least bigger than any in my foster house. I can't complain, this room is much better than a dirty couch in the lounge room.

"Kid, I do hope you are strong cause you will be sparring with the Alpha's son tomorrow and he is taking over in a few years", he surprisingly said like he was actually concerned for me.

"Wait, but I've never fought another wolf before, I mean, I've fought a few kids at school but they got me mad. I don't know how to fight properly."

"I've got you, kid, I'll show you tonight while I train the Alpha's daughter, Peter's daughter and mine so you can learn from them, and in the morning I'll show you more just one on one."

"Thanks, I guess, but what if he hurts me, I'm a stranger to him and a 'rogue' as you people keep saying, won't an Alpha's son hate that?"

"Justin is a good kid and if the Beta wants to train you to make you a warrior, I'm sure he will be nice since you will be the one protecting his pack in a few years."

"Alright I guess, thanks."

"Dinners at 7 o'clock by the way and don't be late cause no one will wait and in a packhouse, the food goes quickly since we eat like animals." He said exiting with a wink at the end.

I just lay on the comfortable bed for a while, since I haven't actually slept on one in a long time and try to think if staying here will actually be a good thing. They seem like decent people and all but a warrior, really? Not to mention I still can't wrap my head around Peter saying I have Alpha blood. I turn on the TV and watch an action movie until I have to go to dinner, to distract myself.


The movie just ended and it's 6:50 pm, so I head down to see if anyone needs help. I think it's wise to get on someone's good side. I walk down the steps that I came up before, and start to walk around trying to find the kitchen, this place is a maze. 

"Need some help?" Someone said from behind me. I turn around and see a girl around seventeen, with blonde hair who kind of looks like Peter staring at me.

"Umm yeah thanks, I'm trying to find the kitchen".

"It's right down the hall to your right, and I'm Hayley by the way, the Beta's daughter in other words".

"Oh I'm Jesse, they are going to make me a warrior, so I guess I'll be following you in the future".

"Yeah, I guess you will, and don't be scared of my dad".

"I'm not".

"Sure you're not, and I mean you shouldn't be scared of him you should be scared of the Alpha, rogues don't sit well with him".

"Gee thanks for making me feel better, I'll keep that in mind."

"Anyway let's head to dinner, I'm sure my dad will tell you more about the Alpha, since he is coming home tomorrow."

"Wait, what! Tomorrow?"

"Yes, now come on we don't want to be late."

Hayley and I walk into a giant dining room where everyone is already sitting down, I guess helping out went down the drain, I will just have to help clean up.

"Hayley I see you have met our next warrior," Peter said with a smirk.

"Yes I have, and he looks like he will make a good one, the Alpha should like him."

"Yes, I'm sure he will. Now Jesse why don't you take a seat?" I take a seat next to Adrian since that is the only seat left and look over to see a guy, a bit older than me, glaring in my direction.

"Jesse, this is Justin, you will be fighting at noon tomorrow when the Alpha gets back so he can watch."

"The Alpha will be watching?"

"He sure will and don't worry no one expects you to beat me". Justin said with a smirk. I thought Adrian said he was a nice kid?

"He will be watching because he is the one who decides if you stay or not, so it's best to try your hardest. He doesn't let rogues in easily." Peter confirmed. Great, now I will probably get kicked out. I have a slim chance but it doesn't look like Justin is going to go easy on me tomorrow. I just hope Adrian is a really good trainer.

The rest of the dinner was me keeping my mouth shut, unless I got asked a question.  When everyone finished eating I helped clean up, but then Justin nudged passed me.

"Don't be such a suck-up." I guess I was, but doing the dishes doesn't bother me anyway, I've been doing them all my life. I finished off and started walking straight to my room when I was stopped by Adrian.

"Kid stop, did you forget about training?" Oops.

"Umm nah I was just going to get changed," I said before continuing my way to the stairs only to hear Adrian chuckle.

"Meet us outside." He shouted before walking out.

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