A few new important people.

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This was it. We are on our way and I can't stop tapping my damn foot in the car, and even Hayley was looking at me weirdly but sympathetically.

"Jesse, are you okay?" She asked me and I just couldn't answer or even look at her because I knew it would make me even more worried, so I gave an untruthful short nod and put my head in my hands. I just didn't want them to see me upset, especially her since we have gotten kind of close and I don't think Justin likes it. They aren't mates or anything because you can recognize your mate when your sixteen and they are old enough to know.

We are getting closer and closer and Justin just told us we are just around the corner. I can't do this. They don't even know I exist. What if the alpha doesn't like me? Or my brothers hate me? Or maybe they just don't want anything to do with me. I guess I could just be a really powerful warrior.

We drive up into a long gravel driveway with massive gates already open and a massive mansion that is somewhat modern. I see my uncle get out of the car in front of ours and greet my father's beta, which only calms me slightly. Justin parks and we all start to get out and follow my uncle inside as the beta directs him. He leads us past a large light colored room and into the alpha's office. Shit, shit, shit. Everyone walks in and I try my best to hide in the back behind Justin and the girls. I see a tall man who has the same blue eyes and dark brown hair as me who I almost look exactly alike.

"Ahh Redley great to see you," he greeted my uncle calling him by his last name and giving him, Peter and Adrian handshakes as they return the friendly gestures.

"Evan this is my son and future alpha Justin, Peter's daughter Hayley who will take his spot as beta and Adrian's daughter Dakota who will be a powerful leader of the warriors." My uncle replied gesturing to them all.

"Nice to meet you all and I will introduce you to my pack's future leaders later on," he said smiling at all three of them before his eyes landed on mine looking slightly confused. "And who is this young man? Is this the kid you wanted to introduce to me?" he asked which made me almost throw up.

"This is Jesse, can we talk alone Evan, just us two and the boy?"

"Of course. Harry will you take all of them into the lounge room and get them some drinks." He replied ordering his beta as they all left the room and shut the door. He gestured Tyson and I to sit in the chairs opposite of him.

"Now, what do we have to discuss with the boy Tyson?"

"We got it wrong 17 years ago Evan," he tried to start which caused my father to look puzzled. "You know how we couldn't find Cara's body"

"Stop Tyson, where are you getting with this? Why are we talking about your sister?"

"She wasn't pregnant when she died Evan. She had the baby prematurely."

"How do you know this!?" He yelled, clearly getting frustrated.

"Because my mother is Cara and my name is Jesse Davens. I'm your son." I interrupted since I should be the one to tell him and I couldn't take the nervous wait anymore.

He just froze as his face turned soft and he then put his head down.

"I looked for her body everywhere." He finally spoke sounding broken. "Why didn't she tell me she had you."

"No wait! Why weren't you with her anyway!?" I asked since I finally want and need the truth as to why I've been alone this whole time.

"Tyson can you leave me alone with him?" he asked turning to my uncle and he immediately left the room. "She left Jesse, I couldn't find her."

"Why did she leave? There had to have been a reason."

"17 years ago my pack was almost at war with the Black Crescent pack and they were very powerful. Their alpha tried to make a deal saying he wouldn't attack if I married his cousin's daughter who was also his beta to make us allies and so we would have a powerful child since he didn't have any children and she was next in rank. I had to agree because he would've wiped this whole pack out but I was with your mother and I still wanted to be with her and she was pregnant with you. Their alpha couldn't find out about you because then he would've either tried to kill you or call off the deal since he wanted his heir to be more powerful then any other alpha and you were directly from two alphas. Your mother couldn't stand the idea of that so she tried talking to the women I was going to marry which just got her to be hunted. I didn't know she was being hunted, you have to believe me. I just thought she ran so no one knew about you and she could keep you safe."

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