Relationship Problems

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I wonder why he wouldn't try to bash me if Sierra actually told him the truth. Sierra walks out the door and looks towards me after she checks one last time to make sure Derek is far enough into the forest not to hear anything.

"What did you tell him?" I asked her quietly.

"I only told him I found my mate so we can't be together and he got all angry and just stormed out."

"So he doesn't know that I am that mate?"

"No I promise he has no idea, you would know if he did, because he would've run straight at you and not into the forest." She said with a small chuckle.

"Yeah that's why I was confused," I spoke chuckling back. 

"What's wrong with Derek, you two didn't fight again did you?"Asked my father walking towards us from the front door. "I saw him run into the forest and you two are the only ones out here."

"Nope, had nothing to do with me this time, my uncle just left so I was out here saying my goodbyes and I saw him run out too."

"Alright then, there is only one other person who could make him that upset, Sierra what happened?" He asked turning towards her.

"We broke up because I've found my mate Alpha Evan."

"You have? Is he in the pack and does Derek know who it is?"

"Yes Alpha, he is in your pack but I didn't tell Derek who it is because I didn't want him to start a fight."

"Good decision, well since he is in our pack I suppose you would still like to stay here rather than going pack to your fathers' pack?"

"Yes Sir, but I will keep him a secret until I know that Derek has calmed down." 

"I understand, well I'm going to look for him, you two get inside," he said turning around and running into the forest after shifting into his wolf. Sierra and I walked into the house and went into now MY room, making sure no one saw her come in with me.

"So you're staying?" I asked, smiling at her.

"I guess so," she said smirking back and sitting on my bed as I went and sat on the edge of the couch in the corner. After a few seconds of silence, with a thoughtful look on her face she looked up at me.

"So I know that you were  brought up in foster homes and that your mother was Alpha  Evan's mate but I don't understand what happened?"

"The Redley Pack and the Red Moon pack, when in control by both my grandfathers, were rivals. So when my parents found out they were mates my mother's father disowned her and she came here and hid with my father who had recently killed his father to become alpha. Then the black Crescent pack's Alpha which was stronger than this pack at the time, told my father to marry his cousins daughter which is-"

"Luna Lucinda," she interrupted with a puzzled expression on her face. "The Black Crescent pack doesn't exist anymore."

"Exactly, when my mother found out she was pregnant she ran away and my father thought she went back to Tyson who had just taken his pack too, but she was really running from rogues hired to kill her by the Black Crescent alpha who found out she existed." Sierra gave me a sad look and I gave her a nod back to let her know I was fine.

"Then basically my father married Lucinda who was then pregnant and the packs merged which then gave him the opportunity to kill all the bad Black Crescent pack members and give him the strongest pack. That's also around the same time he found out rogues killed my mother and he thought I was killed as well since I wasn't even meant to be born yet, I was premature."

"Wow, so Alpha Evan killed all the rogues involved I'm guessing?"

"Yeah." I said breathing out heavily.

"Jesse, I'm so sorry that happened to you." She said coming over next to me and hugging me. I pull her back slightly and look at her in the eyes which were brimming with tears.

"I'm fine Sierra, I didn't know any of my family until now, I didn't know my mother. I'm okay, I'm staying here for her honour and because of, well you now." I spoke smiling at her before leaning in and kissing her. We were interrupted by the slamming of the front door and Derek's voice.

"Sierra!" He yelled.

"Quick, go down there before he sees which room you came out of." I say quickly looking at her face which looks slightly frightened. "Don't worry I'll come down after you, he won't do anything, he's just angry." She nods and quietly goes out of my room. Less then 10 seconds later I go out after her to see her reaching the bottom of the stairs in front of him.

"Who is he? Who is your mate?!"He yelled towards her again which forced me to hold in a growl.

"I'm not going to tell you that Derek, it doesn't matter."

"But he's in MY pack isn't he? Why else would you still be here?!" He growled getting closer to her. "You're ruining my chances against him!" He said pointing to me. 

"Calm down Derek!" My father yelled. "Step away from the girl and go to your room."

"Or what dad? She is my girlfriend I can do what I want."

"No she isn't, she dumped your ass." I blurted out, not able to help myself.

"What was that, runt?"He growled walking towards me.

"I said she dumped you which means she is not your girlfriend anymore." I spoke in a monotone voice.

"How about you mind your own business, this has nothing to do with you." He said pushing me back.

"Derek, I said NO FIGHTING!" My father yelled. Derek ignored him but before he was about to hit me again I grabbed his fist and pushed it back.

"Actually Derek it IS my business." I said to him which made him have a confused expression. "Oh come on little brother, put two and two together, I'm the only new member of this pack and Sierra just happened to find her mate."  I couldn't help myself again, but I didn't regret this one, Derek's face just completely turned from anger to shock. Even my father's face was shocked just staring between Sierra and I.

"You're lying, that is just too rare to be true! Two direct alpha lines are never mated together."

"Actually you're wrong Derek, don't you remember both my parents were alphas which probably explains how I also got mated to one." Derek didn't say anything else after that he just left the room.

"I can't believe this." Evan said. "It's so rare, and for it to happen to our family twice, your children will be so strong, even stronger than you Jesse. I think Derek knows he has a much smaller chance now and I don't think that's a good thing."

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have told him, my wolfs anger doesn't help and we weren't planning on telling anyone, well at least for a while." I said to him whilst turning towards Sierra who looked like she was deep in thought.

"I think it's better that he knows now," she finally spoke. "But I don't think I should stay here for now, I don't want to hurt him and it will just make things worse for the two of you."

"I think that's a good idea," my father replied, "and Jesse, I think you should go and talk to Derek, you have to understand he isn't a bad person this whole situation is a major shock to him and has affected him majorly."

"I will, don't worry I understand." I hope I don't get attacked again, but he is my brother and it's not either of our faults they we got off on the wrong foot and were immediately put into a competition against each other.

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