A Turn Around?

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I run up the stairs towards Derek's room and see the door closed and probably locked. I knock and I here footsteps come towards the door just before he opens it vigorously. 

"What do you want?!" He growls at me.

"I want to talk to you Derek, we shouldn't be fighting all the time it's stupid", I reply back.

"Well then step down and stop trying to steal my title."

"Look, I know you think the title is yours and that I'm 'stealing' it from you but the truth is that you only think that because you didn't know I existed."

"No one knew you existed."

"Actually our father did but he thought I was killed, there's a difference. He's offering it to me because he knows it's supposed to be mine."

"I don't care, I have been preparing my whole life for this and you probably didn't know what a werewolf was until you turned."

"Okay fine, but I have my own reasons for wanting the title. I want it for my mother's honour since she died to protect me and she was killed by the old leader of half of this pack. Since I didn't get to kill the men who killed her, this is my revenge, ruling the pack that the Black Crescent pack bastard wanted to have." I told him seriously that left him to just stare at me. "Look, I know we are against each other, but we are long lost brothers and I want to get along with you Derek."

"Fine, you have your reasons, but know this, when we fight, we fight. I won't hold back no matter how well we get along."

"Fine with me," I nod at him and walk to exit.

"By the way, I will be civilised and fair but we aren't friends and we never will be." He says to me dead seriously just as I close the door behind me and walk to my room to go to bed.


A few days later

I wake up to the sun shining in my eyes, god damn why did I leave the blinds open. I jump out of the window and let Jackson take control as I turn and run through the woods. As I'm running a sudden voice pops into my head. 

"Jesse, get back to the house, you have school remember and the boys are about to leave."


"Yes, you are hearing me in your head because you are in your wolf form, it's called a pack mind link and since you are officially in this pack you can talk with this if you need to."

"Oh, alright I'll come back now." I turn around and run back to house and jump up to my window quickly getting changed before running downstairs. I just catch Evan, Derek and Kyle and they are walking out the front door.

"Alright Jesse's here let's go." Evan says as we all walk out the front door and into one of his very expensive cars.

It takes about 10 minutes before we get to the school which isn't too big and from what I can tell it is majority werewolves from our pack and Sierra's. We all hop out of the car and start walking as Evan drives off. Derek instantly starts walking not even bothering to tell me where I need to go. Kyle just looks at me and smirks. "Follow me." He says with a snicker.

He takes me to the front office. "This is my brother Jesse Davens, he's knew can we please have his schedule. 

"Yes of course, your father told me his other son was starting here and he's in the same year as Derek how nice." The lady at the front states handing Kyle the paper and smiling at me as we walk away.

"Okay so here's all your classes and your locker number is at the top, just go down that hallway cause I have to go the other way, if you get stuck just ask someone or find Sierra." He explains pointing down a long hallway full of people my age.

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