Chapter Two

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“Hey…..Cyrus, pay attention,” he was taunting. I put the pillow over my head to block him out.

“Go away,” I muttered. He chuckled.

“Nurse Joy said that the burn marks are going to be under bandages for the next month, it’s all over your body,” he told me.

I looked at my arms and torso. I was wrapped in tight bandages, like a body suit.

“So, put on a pair of pants and hop to it, you have gyms to beat,” Natural prompted me.

“Why do you want me to be a trainer so bad?” I asked, head still under the pillow.

“Because I don’t want you to be soft, so I need you to beat gyms.”

I shrugged, “So, you want me to start calling you N instead of Natural,” I pointed out.

A shifty look crossed his face, “But I can make you do what I want,” he pointed out.

I scoffed, “Please Natural, we both know you would never lay a finger on me,” I snorted.

He chuckled again, “Says who?”

He pounced on me, tackling me to the ground.

“Natural Harmonia, get off of me!” I exclaimed. He laughed and straddled me on the ground.

“Do you promise that you’ll call me N and go to battle gyms?” he challenged.

I opened my mouth to scream like hell, I used to do it all the time when I played with Kyle.

He cupped a hand over my mouth.

“Agree and your free, just do it, it’ll take less time,” he instructed me. I narrowed my eyes at him and kicked and pushed but he was way stronger than me.

“Say it.”

Suddenly I became totally still and rolled my eyes back in my head. He was off me in a second and he was shaking me like crazy.

“Oh my Arceus, wake up Cyrus please, please wake up, I’m sorry!” he cried.

I tried my hardest not to open my eyes and laugh my head off because then he’d see that my eyes were silver.

I cut a small chuckled short, blowing my cover. Before I could think I was back in a straddle.

“That was so not funny,” he hissed. I was laughing like an idiot.

“It was hilarious,” I laughed.

He started tickling me.

“O-okay okay, I’ll do the gyms and call you N! happy now?” I laughed, even though I was I bit pissed.

He held off me but still kept me on the ground. “Very happy,” he said smugly.

“Oh dear Arceus you’re a pain, literally, get off, you weigh a tonne,” I complained.

“Then maybe I’ll just stay here and crush that cute face off yours,” he smirked. My eyes coloured green and he immediately gulped.

“Did you just call me cute?” I asked incredulously. He jumped off of me.

“Um…uh, I have to go.”

He disappeared.

“Wonder what happened in his fluffy green head?” I thought out loud.

“Oh, hello Cyrus, I think you’re all ready to go, aren’t you?” Nurse Joy came into my room with a pair of clothes.

“Yeah, I feel great,” I smiled.

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