Chapter Thirteen

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I fell flat on my butt as soon as I woke up. Red was sleeping soundly next to me.

“Wake up!” I yelled in his ear. Like me he fell, harder than I did.

“What the heck Cyrus!” he yelled back at me.

The main phone started to ring and I picked up.

“Hey, guys, it’s Leaf, can I chat with you about something,” a cheery voice asked over the phone.

“Morning Leaf, what’s to talk about?”

“Yellow and Aaron invited the lot of us over to their room for breakfast in their room and I forgot which one it is.”

“Room 304, they didn’t say anything about this though.”

“I was asked to tell you because they have to start cooking and you and Red sleep till kingdom come, thanks for the room number.”

“Is there anything special that I should be wearing?”

“Yes actually, Yellow said to dress for beach time or something like that.”

“Yay, I can wear my new outfit!”

“Cyrus, who’s on the phone?” Red called over to me from the bathroom.

I pressed the speaker, “Leaf, you are now oh speaker phone.”

“Hi Leaf!” Red yelled.

“Leaf, get off the phone and find a swimsuit,” Blue’s voice cut in.

“Alright, keep your pants on,” she snickered, “Sorry Cy, see you in five minutes at room 304, bye.”

I put down the phone.

“Red, grab trunks and a t shirt,” I told him, digging around in the drawers for that cute outfit.

“Okay, I call the bathroom.”

About five minutes later I was changed and so was Red.

Red was in a pair of black trunks with a red graphic shirt.

I knocked on the door and Aaron stuck his head through.

“Hey Red, Cyrus, I see you slept long enough to be late,” he chuckled, opening the door.

“We didn’t sleep that late, give us some credit,” Red retorted waltzing inside.

I went in after him, “Moring people,” I smiled.

“Hey Cy,” the twins said in unison.

“I see you and snorlax over there woke up on time,” Silver smirked.

“Who you callin’ a snorlax?!” Red demanded, stepping forward.

“Cool it Red,” Blue shook his head, “Morning Cyrus.”

“Wait a second….where’s Flint?” Gold stalled. Flint crossed his arms.

“I’m right here idiot,” he snorted hotly. There was another knock on the door.

Yellow rushed up to it, “Oh, hey guys, come on in and we can start breakfast.”

She stepped out of the doorway and my face fell as I glared at the two people in the doorway.

Why, guys, why?” I sobbed finely.

“Oh come on Cyrus, you really hate them that much?” Volkner questioned.

“Yeah Cy, I hate Volkner and Flint but I’m still here,” Leaf muttered.

“Why do you hate Volkner so much?” Jan asked, “I mean, I hate him too but that’s just because I hate all of Des’ boyfriends.”

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